March 17, 2005
Amaztype rocks my world.
Enter any word into amaztype. Select your favorite amazon website. Choose your favorite medium. Hit search, and watch the fun! Don't forget to click around on the result as it builds.
How about this word?
Whatever that site is supposed to do, it just sits and does nothing for me. Not that we shop amazon at all anyway, but the linked site just sits and processes without result for me.
Naturally, I made it spell out 'fuck' with piles of books.
Okay, that was actually really fun. I didn't dare click on the result as it built, though, as it already seemed to be dragging Safari down and I didn't want any catastrophes on my hands.
When you click on a book, it stops building the word and zooms in on the book, giving you details.
Cool! And fun!
))) !