March 04, 2005

Tinky Winky - virtual paper doll
  • This is my 2501 comment.
  • Yay! Go jb! Nice Tinky Winky outfits - (but it's definitely a handbag, not a purse).
  • Ah, methinks cross-Atlantic distinctions of usage rear their heads again.
  • I just made Tinky-Winky look like Natalie Portman in Closer. I fear me.
  • The fear is at me. The fear of underwear is at me. The fear of grey woollen underwear is at me. The fear of creeping grey woollen underwear is at me. Grey underwear oovers me. Grey underwear crosses me. And volleys and thunders.
  • I can't find my underwear, I don't care, I'll go bare. Bye, Bye, longjohns... (unknown)
  • If I looking for underwear him name is hopkin green underwear I lost my underwear P S I'll find my underwear Who took my underwear
  • When I was five years old I used to ride the bus in the morning with all of the elementary school kids. The older kids used to sing a lot of songs (something tells me that kids don't do that anymore) while we rode. Most were variations of songs that you are all probably thinking of now. But one was unusual, and I still remember it to this day, Underwear man Underwear man Chris Roseman Is underwear man I don't know Chris Roseman and I have never met him. I think that he might have been in the sixth grade at the time, and he was one of the people on the bus. I hate my brain.
  • On the Harmony Arising from the Abrogation of Nether Garments I think that we would bicker less If we could just go knicker-less Cute Teletubbies gaily prance As they're not laden down by pants We'd laugh like those in their fair land do If we'd but learn to go commando.
  • where's wonder woman's tiara? is it under the hot pants?
  • That's a purse, NOT a handbag. Tinky-Winky is a perv and a poofter. That is all.
  • My future father-in-law carries a handbag. It is useful and looks distinguished. One day, all men will feel comfortable with carrying useful things and not ruining their bag pockets by carrying a wallet there. And they will have their own pen, and stop trying to borrow mine. That is so annoying.
  • Silly mistake - BACK pockets, not bag.
  • man purses are teh sexy
  • Aye, pockets have been known to bag, which makes sartorial spirits flag. It comes from holding things like these: a pair of pigskin gloves, three sets of keys, a notebook, pocketknife, some handkerchiefs, perhaps a sandwich in a plastic bag, an apple or an orange, two pens, a pencil stub, a supple leather wallet, a paperback book -- or even two -- the wearer plans to read, some ticket stubs from places like the zoo, a concert, a foreign film, a student play, and a map to somewhere new, a bit of string, a battery, a broken watch, a nut, the throatlatch from a bridle, a foreign coin, all those trifles ye thoughtlessly stuff inside will make a pocket bulge and eventually tear if ye keep putting more odd bits in there. /yes, all my pockets bag
  • Well, it looks about the handbaggiest example of handbagness I've seen for a while - though Bees is clearly correct.
  • I could use a man purse. I ruin pants with all the stuff I carry around.
  • In the Greater Scheme of Things I'm doomed to be a clown, for when there's weight in my pockets my man pants slide right down.
  • Sigmund Freud said a purse was a substitute for a vagina, but I'm not thinking about getting to third base every time I unzip my sack. Somehow this sentence is totally obscene. Bees, I'm sorry, but I just have to be in love with a guy who has spare bridle parts in his pocket. Have you read any of Maxine Kumin's poetry? inventories back pockets: 2 chicago screws, a conway buckle, three 'falfa cubes, small pocket knife, 2 foot baling twine, 17 cents, and a limp piece of carrot
  • Ah, beautiful BlueHorse, I never know where else but my pockets to put things. They are handy and other places aren't. So it's use the pockets or grow a third hand. O I love you being in love with me! It seems an ideal state of affairs, in fact, since I have adored you ever since the lemmings thread! Wot do we who love poetry care If our impassioned souls we bare? And, in a flurried attempt now to return to A Consideration of the Pocket: From a documentary on marsupials I learn that a pillowcase makes a fine substitute pouch for an orphaned kangaroo.... --Maxine Kumin, from "Nurture"
  • Actually, I believe gender was thought of when Tinky Winky was given a handbag/purse - the creators wanted to break down conventional gender barriers, and say it's okay for little boys to play with purses (and presumably also dolls, kitchen sets, etc.).
  • EXACTLY, jb. They want to grow their own at home-osexuals.