January 29, 2004

Call Immediately ATTENTION: Anyone who was at the Ka'u - St. Joseph game at Ka'u last Sat. Jan. 24 We lost the game by 3 points and have filed an official protest to BIIF officials. Anyone who was at the game who did a video of the incident where the score keeper hit the buzzer "accidentally" as our boys were deep into Ka'u territory about to make goal, please call my office immediately at 935-4936. As you may know, the buzzer froze our guys, resulting in a Ka'u player gaining possession of the ball and running it all the way across the court to score. Our protest is not only about the "accidental" buzzer incident, it is also about the referees allowing the Ka'u score to stand. Mahalo for your kokua in helping us find a video of the incident if it exists.
  • Hey, you got your mahalo in my kokua! Well, you got your kokua in my mahalo! Saaaaaay...
  • Man, I just don't understand baseball!
  • that's downright igry.
  • What am I missing here, specifically how/why is this remotely interesting. If I've missed something obvious, apologies.
  • Good question, and perhaps I should have had some larger context to it instead of just posting what I thought was hilarious. Why it is interesting (to me): It is a small but illustrative example of the larger implications of the personal pubishing revolution. --A small Catholic elementary school airs a basketball game grievance on a Blogger weblog --The weblog is not password protected --The post is written in the most parochial (no pun intended) and intimate terms, with acronyms and local parlance that the rest of the world wouldn't possibly know --They publish their phone number (without even an area code, let alone a country code) for people who may have the information/ content they crave to get in contact with them --A link to the post automatically appears in the "ten most recent posts" section on the Blogger homepage --Conservative estimate of impressions (views of that link, if not the actual content) is in the thousands. We can almost guarantee that none of the actual target audience (people at the game who were videotaping the event) are among those thousands --Essentially, they are using an incredibly powerful, free global tool to achieve an intensely local objective As weblog technology becomes more accepted, and is used for more purposes, (propagating local information like this, internal corporate communications, etc.) these kind of local/ global chafings will become more common and more incongruous. Thanks for calling me out to explain. I'm interested in what anyone else thinks.
  • >>NOTE: Sister Marion Kikukawa (see photo to the right) is the designated Principal effective Monday, February 16, 2004. NOOOOOOOO!!!! not sister marion!!!!!!!
  • Those freakin' Hawaiian principle nuns ruined my LIFE!! (I'm kidding Sister Helen!! KIDDING!!)
  • I don't mean to be dismissive, but I'm not that fascinated by someone using too much technology to achieve a simple goal. People kill flys with shotguns everyday, why is this instance, or any instance for that matter curious? I think the ideal way to have dealt with this would have been for the school to have an email list and sent a bulletin to parents/supporters regarding the game footage. Then again email lists are so 1997, everyone now knows blogs are the only way to communicate.
  • Your lack of fascination with this post is duly noted.
  • I'm fully in favor of posting shotgunned flies. I love this kind of ephemera/effluvia. It's like rummaging through other people's grocery lists. But then we already did that link, right?
  • People kill flys with shotguns everyday fucking hell, really?
  • I don't want to chastize juggernautco for the post, A) It's not my place to do so, and B) he/she asks valid interesting questions. The questions may be interesting, but I don't find the answer so. It seems kinda obvious that they're using technology inappropriately. End of story.
  • I think people use technology inappropriately all the time, and they then face the consequences. In this case, the consequence would be that their entreaty is ignored, and people shrugh their shoulders and say "WTF"? So be it.
  • hurray for inappropriate uses of technology! where else but the internet would you find such useless nonsense?
  • >>Graceland reserves the right to take corrective/disciplinary action in the event of inappropriate use of technology ELVIS LIVES!
  • ...and don't forget... Inappropriate use of technology will result in loss of use of technology and/or loss of Internet privileges for one month, three months, five months, or a school year depending on the severity of the incident and the number of occurrences. (A greater degree of accountability can be administered depending on circumstances).
  • A) Any thread that can produce a comment using the word "effluvia" is a-ok in my book. B) I thought we covered the whole concept of not peeing in people's threads a while back.
  • Ooops. /zips_up
  • HEY! Just you stop and remember that high school incident that ruined YOUR life. We're talkin' serious stuff here.