March 02, 2005

Finally, a use for that dormant GMail account. Use it as a great big hard disk that can be accessed from anywhere.

Spotted at engadget.

  • Glad to see you back.
  • neato. now can someone write something similar for my mac?
  • I've been using several extra gmail accounts as music storage and swapping for my friends and me.
  • I wouldn't store anything you don't have a copy of - I don't imagine Google will let this slide for long.
  • Yeah, I loved this idea up until the point where he said "It may disappear at any time."
  • I'm with you, Squid- No mac love? Aww.
  • Started using a gmial account as file storage for a group of friends quite a lot ago, and later for a couple clients. All trusted users have the user/pass to it, so it's easy for all to access whatever they want, from anywhere they can use a browser. Using folders helps with clutter. The only problem so far: attachment size. 8Mb sized files max.
  • This'll be great backup storage for my dissertation! (yes, I'm very, very paranoid about this. I have it online elsewhere, too, and on two harddrives. One of my advisor's house burned down twice while she was writing her diss)
  • No Mac version sorry although it probably wouldn't be hard. This implementation was based on a Linux one.