March 02, 2005

Everything you wanted to know about menstruation. But were too busy dodging plates to ask. Or feeling too rubbish to look up (depending). Includes jokes.
  • I'd comment, but my friend's come to visit! Must tidy up the pad....
  • Oh bloody 'ell.
  • Ya gotta rag on?? /Lenny Bruce
  • appropriate timing, kitfisto...
  • /hushed voice After checking on the 'odor' link, now I guess my tendency to notice and actually like the tenous body scent of a couple friends during their periods (a slight moist smell, not related to sweat) isn't that uncommon, it seems... *cough*
  • The early tampon instructions were... interesting. Imagine leaving the sucker in for 24 (or 48!) hours.
  • Oh my god. Thanks for confirming one of my gigantic paranoias, Flagpole. I'll go and bathe in bleach now. Prior to never leaving the house again. (And it's not even That Time. The thought just repels me in ways you can't imagine. I'm feeling a little ill.)
  • Went to high school with a Vietnamese guy named Tan Pon.
  • Yeah, Wurwilf, I'm sure it's many women's secret worry. I don't know if I'm happier having it confirmed or not.
  • I thought Flagpole was saying that he (?) found the smell alluring, or at least pleasing. That's how I read it.
  • Yes, in fact, I find it alluring; but have to explain that my sense of smell is somewhat wacky. Some days it's overly sensitive, so anybody's cologne, perfume or BO is quite present in my perception, some days it's not. And, the scent isn't that noticeable every time, plus I get physically close enough to my friends as it to be quite easy to perceive. I've never noticed it with a couple female co-workers, by the way. So please, hold the bleach : )
  • Doesn't mean that everyone likes it. I'd bathe four times a day if I had the time, though, so I'm a bit neurotic. I'm sure to some, women all smell like violets and honeydew, but uh... well, I won't burst your bubble just now. Some of us actually sweat, and it's not rosewater. But I didn't think people could smell that, which is just... unholy nasty. Euurgh.
  • Your comments have truth, Wurwilf. I just feel compelled to add that in my highly unscientific comparisons of male and female sweat at the local gym, perfume d'homme is the victor in bio-chemical warfare.
  • PY - are you attracted to men or women? That might be part of your answer. Generally I have found that the pleasantness of someone else's order is correlated with the degree to which I am attracted to them.
  • Both, and pleasant or unpleasant, sweat or no sweat, it just seems to me that men have a stronger body odor. This is probably useless info given that I haven't sniffed hundreds of men and women.
  • People have very individual scents, can't say I've noticed any consistent differences between men and women. Think men's sweat seems often sharper and more acrid than women's because many women in North America shave the hair of the armpits and elsewhere wear deodorants whereas many men don't. Hair does seem to hold scent. Think most folk know garlic and some spices can affect human sweat. (Doubtless I stink, since I adore garlicy, spicey foods.) Human beings who remain unwashed for protracted periods of time of time can turn unpleasantly ripe; back in college had a housemate who did this for a few months, and was subjected finally to forcible immersion one lively evening. (Yes, I was bad, and particpated in this outrage to his person. He forgave us by and by.) Did ye know the smell of a vegetarian person is different from the smell of more carnivorous humanity? I've been told this is because of the nitrogen content of the diet, though I dunno if that's true.
  • I've been told that too about vebetarians beeswacky - though in my case I mask all natural scents with the filthy smell of tobacco.
  • I was a vebetarian for a while but then I gave it up and went back to eating veet. ;)
  • I'm veby happy to hear that hikikomori
  • Abiezer_Coppe, how do we go about pronouncing your name? I seem to find myself inclined to think Ab -- ee -- AZE -- uh and copy. Can this be right? Please reply before Wolof declares you aa href=""> muffpub. Your friend and admirer, bees.
  • Ugh. It garbled my link!
  • Truth be told beeswacky, I'm not sure. The real Mr Coppe is only someone I've read about in books (link to an article about him in my profile) and I've never met anyone living with that name. I would think similar to as you have above, but Ab-ee-eeze-uh is more how I think of it. I wonder if his friends called him Abe? To be deemed worthy of the friendship of a person such as your good self can only be accounted the highest honour - here's a health to simian amity! The admiration, however, flows from me to you, and not as you would have it fine sir
  • Ah, monkeys are such fun -- so easily gulled I find I let my beady eyes be cotton-woolled.
  • Ab - ee - EASE - er, then. You are as generous as ye are witty, man, in your praise. We two shall doubtless twang (in my case) and play (in yours) in greater resonance now I know how to say your name.
  • mine's pronounced wi' a silen 'p' :D
  • Beats a silen e which would present many challenges, 'ete.
  • Say it softly and it sounds like spitting. I also pronounce it Ab-ee-EASE-er.
  • I'd gloss the "ie" into "a-bee-zer", but that's almost certainly wrong. At any rate.