March 02, 2005

It's all about the O. Guess I wasn't the only one whose eye was caught by that commercial. probably USian monkeys only.
  • She's incredibly munchable.
  • To me the O brings to mind o-ring, which brings to mind the sphincter.
  • Anyone have a link to the commercial itself?
  • Um, it's right there in the first paragraph.
  • SFW, but makes everyone and their mom think "orgasm".
  • and yes, my mom does often think "orgasm"
  • thinks of mom thinking "orgasm" /crawls into fetal position. rocks.
  • She's tingle-worthy.
  • Sorry, missed that.
  • Does that link for the commercial have sound? Because I can't hear anything from it, yet other .mov files I launch still have their sound.
  • I'm going to listen for the diphthong. I didn't catch it.
  • The visuals of the ad also make me think of Oprah.
  • It's all about the octopus, baby!
  • It DOES capture my attention...but... without being told I wouldn't have been able to tell you what the commercial was about... it's a "Oh Yeah, I LOVE that commercial....ummmm...what was it for?" guess they missed the boat with this one...
  • How can you tell that she's wearing a diphthong?
  • Depends on how far it's dipped.
  • Maryh- That image you linked to came out of a pretty neat blog (though the image was creepy)... How'd you find it?
  • Server Application Unavailable yay, it's been Monkeyfied. Or Poo-flung. Your choice. Personally, I believe women should be having more orgasms. Starting nnnnnnnnnow.
  • I love that commercial... rrrrrrrrOOOWWWW!!!!
  • Actually it's all about the Oh my GOD this insidious echo chamber and viral marketing concoction makes me want to claw my eyes out! BOO for marketing! BOO! Not as good as Bender!
  • (Hey js- I love evolution blogs, and there's not a creature alive as cuddly as a cephalopod!)
  • Hey, maryh, I didn't know that depictions of tentacle sex went back to Hokusai's time. According to Wikipedia's entry on tentacle rape, he was a pre-porn pioneer of such erotica.
  • There was a time before porn? Seriously. Yeah, I'm being a bit literal, but - how d'you figure?
  • Wikipedia is the BEST! And to think of all that time I wasted on the "s" section of my folks' old World Book...
  • I don't know, Wurwilf. I missed a qualifier - "Tentacled creatures have appeared in Japanese erotica long before animated pornography appeared..."
  • Anyone remember the couple of commercials with that woman they had before this one? I actually liked those better. In the current commercial her skin tone looks weird, like she got a bad spray on tan or something.
  • Here are several of the commercials, the last one is one of the ones I was talking about, but there was also one where all the books came whooshing up like the ammo loading scene in the Matrix.
  • This commercial creeps me out. Part of it is that she just seems way too turned on by the overstock. Part of it's the bad fake tan. She's kind of orange.
  • Ahh, gotcha. Makes sense. Sorry.