January 28, 2004

On the Origins of singing in the bath: ...when those who enjoy a hot bath inhale the air of the bath, so that the heat of the air enters their spirits and makes them hot, they are found to experience joy. It often happens that they start singing, as singing has its origin in gladness. More quotes (taxation, posting, gravitation, relationships, goodness) by Ibn Khald

Also don't forget to visit The 153 Club and Jim Mann Taylor's Home Page.

  • Z-- Such a rich and thoughtful post! I'd certainly never heard of this man, nor even contemplated such wonderful men existed! Thanks for showing me a glimpse of the other side of the world. This is MoFi at its best.
  • I stumbled upon this while googling for "bath singing", which was in turn inspired by this nice post by Wolof. Serendipity indeed!
  • I even went and found the arabic symbols for banana, but the page don't read it. so. (nanner)
  • fork - it works in some browsers (Safari, anyone?).
  • Okay, here goes: (