Only half an hour to go now until beer o'clock. Hooray for Fridays!
Wow! It really took me some time to realize these images weren't CGs.
The purpose of the microscropic photography is to flip out and kill people.
What's the thingy that looks like it has an industrial fan built into its ass?
Feh, they look quite big on my screen. I could have got those shots with my Box Brownie.
Weezel, you da man.
Weblogs from the Ass of Science. The hunt for other body parts goes on!
Abiezer's got a box of brownies!
I certainly hope, Mr. Coppe, that you have brought enough to share with the whole class.
Well, I always said you take the biscuit fish tick :).
I just thought another post ponting out how obviously wow-inducing this is would be superfluous, but as usual didn't have the sense to pass over in silence. Anyway, here's a whole Box Brownie just for you.
Awesome and sometimes a bit unnerving.
Nifty. I've always loved photography that brings out a novel aspect of something common place that you would never expect. (especially now that we can all cheer how much more beautiful beer really is).
Just the other day, I found some neck ties with surprisingly abstract-yet-stylish colors and designs, only to find that they were just more examples of microscopic photography, something like close ups of flowers and silicon wafers. Good stuff.
he e ! ! !