February 23, 2005

/lazy This cartoon sums it up best. Now you can order pizza while playing Everquest II.

A brilliant marketing move, or further evidence of the decline of western civilization? I'm hooked on a MMORPG myself, but I like to get up, stretch my legs, do other things with my life. Way to exploit internet addiction, Pizza Hut!

  • Reminds me of a hack that some guys in college had thrown together... I saw it a couple of years ago on various "geek" websites. Ordering a pizza via command prompt using switches for toppings. Mmmmmm.... tastes like nerd.
  • /cabana boy
  • /shinything ;D
  • /weed
  • haha, I'd forgotten about this little strip.
  • This is so fucking un-funny it offends me.
  • Hey look a strip with ninjas L O L TO THE EXTREME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111oneoneone one the letter o the letter n the letter e.
  • uh oh, a.s. doesn't enjoy something. Now let's see how many times he can repeat his expression of displeasure.
  • A brilliant marketing move, or further evidence of the decline of western civilization? Isn't the decline of Western civilization simply a series of clever marketing moves? Oh dear, I think my head may explode.
  • When I read about this the other day, I followed the link to the web site advertising this. And it said that typing "/pizza" in EQ's chat will open a browser window allowing you to order pizza. Well, unless there's a web browser inside EQ2, I don't see how this is "not leaving the game". I had hoped that there was a complete in-game interface to the pizza ordering. Hell, a role-playing interface integrated into the game. Now that would be very interesting.
  • That would be the spell of thin crust summoning, I think.
  • With a 7% chance that the earth's crust would collapse and you'd fall in.
  • I just tried this, and yeah, no in-game pizza interface. /betterdevelopers
  • Isn't the decline of Western civilization simply a series of clever marketing moves? Bear Guy goes down in history for that call.