February 23, 2005

New iPods! you will get your credit card...you will spend your money...Steve Jobs is your lord and master...
  • This thread is nowhere near as good as your last one. Actually, while I'm here, I had an absolutely horrible dream last night. I couldn't close my mouth properly, so I looked in the mirror and I had this massive growth on the inside of my cheek, at the top, near my teeth, all red and bulging and nasty. And then, accidently, while trying to talk to someone, I bit into it, and it exploded, and my mouth filled with blood. And it hurt, really hurt, and I could taste the blood, too. And it kept pouring out, through my lips and over my hand, covering the floor. Good god, it was horrible.
  • Uh. New iPods, while cool, aren't necessarily worth a front page post. (Also, I can't wait for the day when they squeeze a 40GB drive into an iPod Mini.)
  • good lord, dng, that sounds terrifying! you should get a new iPod. that'll help for sure.
  • ah, tracy, you shoot yet another arrow through my heart...i know, i know, my post yesterday met none of the criteria for an fpp, but after 8 days of constant rain and crushing depression, i really needed some good old fashioned monkey randomness. finding it deleted felt like i had been kicked in the face. (and btw...weren't you the one scouring every apple store on your recent trip for an ipod shuffle? hm? *mirrors 'don't go there' face*)
  • A built-in radio tuner. A freakin radio tuner. Can't they just cram a goddamn tuner in that thing, instead of software to show my porn pet photos?!? Random enough for you?
  • You know what's weird, dng? I never remember my dreams. I mean, NEVER. I can't recall having a dream since at least high school, and probably before that. My wife has awoken me from what must have been, per her description, fairly rigorous nightmares (I'm kicking, saying odd things, dodging invisible whatevers) and I come awake and *blinkblink*? zippo. I know I must have dreams, because studies show that if you are unable to go into REM sleep, you eventually go crazy (*gibbers*). MissusFes thinks this is superweird. Is it? don't want an ipod
  • I could never kick you in the face, surely! And anyway, it's not so much deleted as swept under the rug where it becomes the Dark Secret of MoFi. I know, I know, I'm an iPod addict. I did actually get the Shuffle in the long run, did you know? And I checked Apple's site first thing this morning after hearing rumours of an imminent press release today involving colour screens and Minis. I think I may need help. Also, where on earth is the market for iPod Photos? My father-in-law is the only person I can think of who would actually use one.
  • hmmm....consciously saying you don't want an iPod, and unconscious dreams you don't remember? sounds to me like you're dreaming of iPods, fes....
  • ooh, there's a Dark Secret page? where? where?
  • Someone take away his Capri Sun pouches. They've clearly gone to his head.
  • Crap middleclasstool, now I've got that GODDAMNED Capri Sun jingle stuck in my head. As soon as I read the words Capri Sun... BLAY-YAM! There's the jingle. On Preview -- I just found out that I had spelled Capri Sun as Carpi Sun, which is a totally different beverage. Love that fishy flavor.
  • I for one would like a iPod Photos, IF it had a wireless internet connection. iPods seem to walk a line close to Blackberry/PDA type of tuff without actually going there. I think it would be nice if they ventured further in that direction...iPod phone, photo, PDA, internet connection, etc.
  • Regarding ipod photo, it is interesting that now there is only ONE plain old ipod model. The rest are shuffles, minis or photos. The sole plain ipod is also only a 20gig model while the ipod photo is 30 and 60 gigs. I wonder if the original ipod is not long for this world? (Oh and the U2 model too).
  • rumor has it that apple's about to get into that whole pda/phone/camera/mp3player/blueberry/blacktooth/wifi internet/laser cannon/handheld device market...possibly as early as this summer...
  • And, while they're at it, how about getting rid of all those awkward headphone cables? Bluetooth-based wireless 'phones have been hinted to be in the works, too. Heck, what's one more RF source frying our fuzzy brains? /can already see the ads for those wireless 'phones... the dancing silhouettes, suddenly tearing away at their dangly bits... the cables, I mean.
  • I love how I just got my ipod for Christmas, and it's already obsolete. Sheesh.
  • rumor has it that apple's about to get into that whole pda/phone/camera/mp3player/blueberry/blacktooth/wifi internet/laser cannon/handheld device market...possibly as early as this summer... I want sharks with fricking laser beams.
  • iShark: now with fricking laser beams...
  • iShark? Looks more like a Beta to me...
  • Funny thread. *giggle*
  • hey...btw...sorry all, for being so snarky/curmudgeonly/downright rude lately i'm sexy, i'm a robot, what more do you want? i'm dancing as fast as i can.
  • I'm starting to think that my ipod may be collectable at some point in the future. I have a 30 gig 3rd gen version and less than 6 months after they started selling it, they replaced it with a 40 gig version. I smell early retirement money!
  • s'ok SR. We *heart* you anyway. At least it didn't rain today!
  • meredithea - your iPod isn't obsolete... It's a classic! (I myself have a Classic G4 iBook, a Classic 21-inch tv, and a .... well, heck, everything I own is a Classic! Some things are even RetroTM. In a good way. I live a blessed life - and you can too. Just remember - Classic.
  • Dance faster, godammit. And yes, I had great difficulty acquiring accessories for my birthday iPod last month - the flip-top case I bought was actually designed for the 4G which is slightly slimmer. *sniffs, holds it close* I figure mine'll be the last 40GB out the door that doesn't have the iPhoto capability, and undoubtedly the last non-colour screen in that size.
  • hey...how about these cases?
  • Those are way cool, sexyrobot. I think I'd fork out $50 for some of those. Uhhh...after I pay off my credit card bill from last month.
  • of course, checking out the site now reveals that the one i wanted is all sold out... *dark mood darkens further*
  • cephalipod: also sold out.
  • Classic! Yes! Thanks, Gestas! I have a 101 degree fever! This makes me use too many exclamation points!Funfunfunfunfunfunfun!
  • I also have the 40 gig non-photo version. According to many, it's a classic!
  • Well, I'm late to the thread, but I wanna friggin ipod that will record real, high quality sound files. I can't believe that if I want to record dual system sound for a movie or video that I have to record it on something as old as a DAT machine (old) or a Nagra (real, real old). Some enterprising engineer should come up with a hack that will allow me to record directly to a digital medium (ipod hard drive), allow me to name the individual files, have xlr inputs and cost below $500 dollars.
  • WHile it doesn't have xlr inputs, the latest minidisc recorders actually do let you upload the files to your computer via usb and convert them to useable formats. I got one to do interviews (not for broadcast, but I know that radio reporters do use them) and it works pretty well. Apparently new models are coming out this summer that use mp3 nativly rather than only the ATRAC format.
  • Squid - does this meet your needs? It doesn't have an xlr connector, but you could use one of these to work around that.