February 23, 2005
Holy crap that gave me the willies.
What about the wind? I'm not too afraid of heights, but I would imagine the wind that high up must be pretty fierce. The lack of railings would make me pretty nervous. One strong gust of wind and... whoops!
this is very interesting, photos of the same exact location except with tiger woods hitting golf balls is floating around email...
GAAAAHHHHH!!! *hugs the ground*
parts of my body have now retreated into spaces much more interior than they usually occupy...if ya'll know what I mean... they may never return... More here it is actually a 'copter pad....
I am trying to picture what a tennis ball would look like after hitting the water (or the ground) from that height.
Good stuff. ESPN.com has a short story on it too. Notice how close to the net they are in this picture? I don't blame 'em.
I'm now hyperventilating. Stupid me, with fear of heights, and I still clicked on the bloody images. I wonder if anyone standing underneath that court ever got killed by a ballistic tennis ball?
i hope they don't chase those balls too far.... now my hands are sweating
Oh god, that's just too much. I've got the shakes now. The edge! They're too close to the edge! Still, cool link. ;)
This was on the news last night. Very scary, since there's not that much of a barrier to stop someone running right off. I kept imaging one of 'em, caught up in the game, chasing the ball right over the side.
I wonder if anyone standing underneath that court ever got killed by a ballistic tennis ball? Actually a tennis ball has so little mass, and so much friction that it will slow down when it falls. It will never reach the speed that it has when hit by a tennis racket of a pro tennis player. So evry body under that helipad is safe.
no. just no. not for any reason. (but i get antsy just standing on a chair)
So they've had Tiger hit golf balls off of the helipad and now they're playing tennis. They should have some more interesting sports played up there, Jai Alai, for instance. Or Tchoukball.
NASCAR....!! i say we do a little race up there.. :)
Actually, I think NASCAR races might be particularly well-suited to the venue. Cricket, on the other hand, less so.
Or they could put up a tower for Ice climbing.
elephant polo
Do you see what Agassi is doing here? That'd be me. Hugging the nice, accomodating ground. Still, the images are gorgeous.
Roger Federer fights for the users.