February 15, 2005

Tassili N'Ajjer, a plateau in the Sahara, has thousands of curious rock paintings. More pictures here and here. Also a video. (Not worth it if you're on dial-up). Some of the pictures, it is argued, are evidence of a prehistoric psychoactive mushroom cult. Tassili is on the World Heritage List, but in spite of their isolation the paintings are becoming increasingly subject to vandalism and theft.
  • Very interesting, but I couldn't find any pictures of the rock paintings with mushrooms that the Lycaeum article is talking about.
  • oh plegmund!! you have exposed one of my dearest wishes and deepest wounds. I greatly desire to travel to the tassili and see the rock paintings. unfortunately, as far as I am aware, it is not presently possible for americans to get a visa to visit algeria. the news that vandalism is destroying this amazing human heritage treasure makes me very sad.
  • Awesome post Plegmund. Thanks!
  • [this is excellent]
  • Wot beastly pictures! And people, who were somehow enchanted, gesturing enigmatically. Great stuff!
  • Enjoyed reading those links - thanks Plegmund.
  • Fascinating post, as usual, Plegmund! The Bradshaw Foundation's excellent site has an extensive section on African rock art
  • )
  • Whoa! they say the members see the truth when on shrooms. First pick! I'm learning a lot from this sight I couldn't find anywhere else. cheers!
  • Wow, Plegy, I don't know how you found this, but I'm sure glad you shared it. I've always loved rock art, and this is absolutely wonderful stuff. Bananas!!