February 15, 2005

But, Duuuuude, it's ORGANIC! Mendocino County, CA takes the lead in protecting its citizens.
  • wouldn't it be great if they got subsidized by the govt because they are growing an organic product?? LOL
  • Mendocino has long been the forefront of marijuana activism. Including a "cottage" industry in the surrounding forests. begun by invading hippies 30 years ago. It's a charming little town with old houses, since new construction is banned. It sits on a cape on the northern coast of California, but the town has been likened to towns in New England. It's become more commercial since its hippie-dippie glory days, but is still pretty. On the other hand, pot farms in national forests in California are wide spread. Knowing California, I'd suspect that the ones on the coast are organic, but those inland use whatever chemicals are common on other types of farms in the agriculural valleys.
  • [The men behind]Corporations are not inherently evil, but there is much incremental evil being done by corporations. Most of the time this stuff pisses me off, tonight it just depresses me. The day the Wal-mart truly thinks about anything but the bottom line, the dollar sign will fall out of their corporate $ky.
  • Oh sure, blame the men.