February 12, 2005

Military.com , a Monster.com site, is the largest online military destination, offering free resources to serve, connect, and inform the 30 million Americans with military affinity, including active duty, reservists, guard members, retirees, veterans, family members, defense workers and those considering military careers.

Here you will find movies, pictures, recollections of veterans, and "Shock and Awe" section.

  • How nice to see that the world's largest terrorist force has a resource to help them better implement their vile objectives. I feel more allegiance to the innocents murdered, raped and tortured in Iraq.
  • It's the neocons and their pet president that are the terrorists, not the military. The military system has evolved to avoid every past excess. It works very well but not perfectly. The individual military member has a responsibility to follow legal orders and the superiors have a responsibility to give legal orders. If you can't decide you ask your free lawyer or lodge a complaint with internal affairs. It's very easy. The fact of the matter is that how well the military works is dependant (like a democracy) on the quality of the people it encompasses. If you don't like their conduct then join and raise the bar. Report illegal acts and clean the place up. If innocents are being raped tortured and killed then that is illegal behavior that should be reported by the military. Like I said the military is only as good as its' members. The fact that innocents being murdered raped and tortured goes unprosecuted is because these acts are supported by a culture of racism epitomized by US leadership. If you don't like the overall missions or actions then that is all the citizens' fault for not electing competent leadership. The mishandling of the war hasn't changed my belief that a civilian controlled military is the best setup. If anything needs to be worked on it is the political education of the average citizen.
  • If you don't like the overall missions or actions then that is all the citizens' fault for not electing competent leadership. No, it's only the fault of 51% of them.
  • If you don't like their conduct then join and raise the bar. Report illegal acts and clean the place up. If you don't know it already, I'm not in the habit of directing criticism at others' comments, but this strikes me as one of the most naive comments I have read on the filter. The system is designed to resist change from within.
  • coppermac: world's largest terrorist force Screw you, coppermac. I don't take kindly to being called a "terrorist."
  • I get the feeling we've been here before.
  • The system is designed to resist change from within. The military system is resistant to change, but the more people in the system that don't stand for illegal acts the more the improvement. As to reporting illegal acts. If anything the military system comes down overly hard on most illegal infractions. Little Lyndie got off because of bad political leadership. Under a less racist regime she and her superiors would have gone straight to Leavenworth, do not pass go.
  • Screw you thrice over, davidmsc. If you're in the U.S. military, you are a terrorist. Proteus, I think anyone actively and willingly participating in such an obviously flawed system designed primarily to use brute force against other people (mostly civilians, currently) is as much a part of the problem as any one of the chickenhawks at the top of that gruesome little food chain. 'Little Lyndie' and her friends shouldn't have been imprisoned, they should have been turned over to the sovereign Iraqis to punish as they saw fit after the U.S. got the hell out of a place it should never have illegally and immorally invaded in the first place.
  • Thank the Us military for the interent. he he. Every dead Iraqi is a .001% off the gas price at the pump. Hey I drive an "SUV" I could do with some gas savings! So let me see.... I take a gun, shoot someone in the back, take the money and buy gas with it, it's robbery n' murder. Now the army does it for me, and it's politics? Some nutcase systematically kills 6 million people, it's genocide, someone systematically devises a way to have someone push a button, and kill 3.5 it's an end to a war. Now if I set up a brothel for me and my friends it's wrong but if the army does it?...... My those desert Uniforms look striking!