February 12, 2005

My Secret Life The sex diary (in 11 volumes) of Walter, whose real identity remains uncertain. (This is uncensored Victorian porn. NSFW.)
  • Interesting. The supposed eroticism comes less from the descriptions, it seems, than just the frequent and almost obsessive use of taboo words. Occasionally inventive ("fuckstress" and "uncunted" are nicely innovative), but mostly just spurting out cunts, pricks and friggings right, left and centre. James Joyce, anybody?
  • Where's Sullivan? I need video footage of Ye Olde Curiosities.
  • Sweet. Now can we get the Pearl online? (I felt like such an erudite reader when I caught the Lady Pokingham reference in the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen [the comic, that is. I believe it was cut in the film]).
  • "Ahaa, spunk, fuck. Aharrr" she screeched. Ahhhhh...she be part pirate. Explains a lot, it does.
  • Flashboy, perhaps you have coined a tagline there, but I'm too chicken to mess with it!
  • Never could find this work readable -- far more readable and interesting is Frank Harris' lively autobiography My Life and Loves, which doesn't yet seem to have made it online.
  • Second the Frank Harris, it's hilarious. Often inadvertently, but whatever. You can read about it here.
  • "She kept on kissing me, saying in a whisper, "What a rude boy you are." Then I whispered modestly, all I had read, told of the Aristotle I had hidden in my cupboard, and she asked me to lend her the book. I touched nothing but hair, her thighs must have been quite closed, and a big stay-bone dug into my hand and hurt it, as I moved it about. I have felt that obstacle to my enterprise in years later on, with other women." Ah, those were the days.
  • Monkeyfilter: Mostly just spurting out cunts, pricks and friggings, right, left and centre. /where GramMa fears to tread