February 08, 2005

How to Make an Internet Cartoon. [Flash] It is now another necessary step that you add text in the middle of the animation that is too long and impossible to read in the first action of the cartoon. Via ABS.
  • What a revelation! I always forget the nonsense catch phrase...
  • I'd say he pretty much nailed it ... but there's still no explanation for Joel Veitch.
  • Yep. That seems to cover it all. Show's over folks. Time to take the internet down and get back to our real lives
  • But what about the crappy flash anime cartoons everywhere?? I'd say that THIS is pretty much exactly like the one mentinoed, except there aren't celebrities (just a kid who thinks he looks like Vin Diesel) and it's got a real kid without a cut off mouth.
  • Is it wrong that I liked that? I think Ted Dansen and Hellboy are the same person!
  • Is it wrong that I thought pilgrim's link was actually really funny? And if so, how wrong is it? Is this wrongness a fundamental wrongness, like it's wrong to not like Sara Lee (because nobody doesn't like Sara Lee!), or a wrongness on personal level, like it's wrong to jump into an arctic lake (hey, some people do it)? Or is it actually very right? Explain, being sure to give proper attribution to any supplemental sources, and attatch a works consulted/cited. ...and woe be unto he who does not use proper MLA format!
  • It is entirely wrong that you thought it was actually funny. On a scale of wrongness, it tends to lean more toward the fundamental side (example: disturbances in the Force, galactic heat death, etc.) rather than a personal wrongness. Sources: The Book of of the Dun Cow, Aleister's Big Book o' Fundamental Wrongness, History of Flight from the Wright Brothers to Apollo 17, Palm Pilot User's Guide, and Interview with a Vampire. Supplemental Sources: anything by Nietzche, unpublished works of Mark Twain, The Denver Airport Masonic Mystery, and Family Feud (the game show, not the board game). Hey, you asked ...
  • This video hits the spot. It is the goodness. (not the wrongness).
  • Forget about if it's wrong to think it was actually funny. Is it wrong to have it actually make you want to make your own? Cause I want to :)