February 05, 2005
Curious, Nostril
...I demand your return! Seriously dude, you're as rare and adored as cat milk, and we miss your gruff fantastical-ness.
Hear our cries! Our teeth are worn from gnashing, our stash of ashes low from our wailing annointments...and the garments...Jesus Christ in a bread basket, I have never seen such rending!
Pretty please?
loathsomeinoffensivestenchfragrance. Should we not be as accepting? of course it WOULD help if he'd wear pants I hereby dedicate these taglines to our Nostril: MonkeyFilter: Say something clever to distract me from the suffering. MonkeyFilter: Yeah, I don't get out much, you know? MonkeyFilter: I don't have real friends ....tickscakes! Pass the squid sauce, please.