February 04, 2005
Montana Family Coalition
objects to a bill that would make strangling a felony in cases of domestic abuse. The homosexuals have gone too far in hiding their agenda this time!
"Representatives of the Eagle Forum, Montana Family Foundation and Montana Family Coalition opposed the bill, calling it a measure designed to legally recognize homosexuality and create a "designer crime." "The lack of gay activists speaking out in the hearing indicated an attempt to pass the legislation without drawing attention to the homosexual agenda in it, said Harris Himes of the Montana Family Coalition." Those crafty homosexuals. You gotta watch 'em! They are not showing up everywhere! Where won't they be next? I've not seen them in lots of places, but I didn't realize they weren't there to slyly promote the homosexual agenda! Damn them!
seduce themcorrupt their children hiding under every bush and up every tree. On a practical level, I'd like to take a drill hammer to their cement-sealed behinds.