February 03, 2005
F*ck Gramaglia Up.
Documentary? Mockumentary? Regardless, while this short film may be difficult to watch (due to the psychological manipulation it depicts), you'll likely be unable to stop watching it. You may even find yourself laughing at it -- and if you do, you'll probably feel guilty about it.
Oh, yeah, might not be safe for work, due to cuss-words.
Um, and those rather nice boobies.
Oh, quinn, don't be such a prude. (That scene make you uncomfortable? Me, too.)
I'm sorry, who am I supposed to sympathize with?
who am I supposed to sympathize with? I guess the girlfriend. She got screwed over by her boyfriend and her roommate. Well, hurray for Gramaglia. He couldn't get into her pants, so he got her to take them off instead. *has just lost faith in human nature - again*
Ouch. But good acting. It isn't easy to act like you aren't acting.
am the only one who clicks the "continue" button at the "mature warning" and absolutely nothing happens?
duh nuh nuhh nuh nuuuh da da FUCK GRAMAGLIA UP! /earworm
Yeah right.
That was hilarious. I so dig hipsters getting screwed over. It warms my wizened little heart :)
come on, mj, everyone knows your heart is huge.
That was so evil. The first revenge was at least in the same scale as the offence - they didn't even plan to have it go on long (it was the other guy who wanted to film and put it on the internet). But the second? That was well beyond. The sheer evilness makes me wonder about the reality. Also, the fact that her audition was so bad.