February 03, 2005

State of the Union Address Ok, fine, USA Filter. I admit it, but OMG no one else will do it: The State of the Union Address and Democratic response were on damn near every TV station tonight in the US, and I'm sure on quite a few non-US TVs as well. Discuss. Ponder. Whatever. Let's get it on!
  • Here's the text. I can't discuss it, because I'm drunk, and it's too depressing and makes my head hurt. link courtesy of stavrosthewonderchicken -
  • Preliminary tally - freedom won against liberty, by a landslide.
  • I heard the Dems booed his social security agenda. True/false?
  • Discuss Let's not and say we did.
  • on damn near every TV station tonight in the US I must beg to differ! The wonderfully prescient TBS carried reruns of Sex and the City. mmmmmm, Charlotte...
  • meredithea: true. totally not worth it, however, because at the conclusion of that paragraph the republicans basically did everything short of ripping off their shirts and sacrificing a pig.
  • But this one is soooo much better!
  • Had I known there was going to be a pig sacrifice, I might have watched taped it.
  • Discuss "I love Bush" "You're a jerk" "I know you are but what am I?" "I hate Bush" "LIBERAL" ...and so on....
  • bleh, i'll wait and read the transcripts in the morning.
  • I thought it was awesome! We're gonna change the world, baby! And make the Constitution finally perfect!
  • I did the drinking game in advance and got shitfaced. Also, won a (symbolic) bet by knowing that was Hastert to his left. Some people don't know the duties of the Speaker of the House!
  • Mars, bitches!
  • Here's the handbasket. Get in. We're going to hell.
  • I celebrated tonight's speech by making my bf a nice, quiet dinner, watching some Sex and the City, and finishing it off with some hot, fundy-taunting, man-on-man lovin'. Bush and his cronies will do whatever they want, regardless of whether you and I pay attention to him being patted on the back for criminal, impeachable behavior. As a tactic to reduce needless stress, I'm trying to ignore his more theatric, propagandic gestures and focus on the more egregious and important crimes he tries to get away with, like the anti-gay "marriage" amendment and Social Security ripoff scam that are both coming up.
  • theatric, propagandic *calls the making up adjective police, demands use of proper words*
  • Seems like a good strategy, Alex. I'll try to copy it :) (Except for the yummy lovin', I guess. I'm single right now :P )
  • Sex in the City is more evil than Bush.
  • Mr. Big is sorta my idol.
  • I'd hit it.
  • Sex in the City is more evil than Bush. Hmm, I have not seen either, but this looks like the new topic for discussion...
  • *calls the making up adjective police, demands use of proper words* It was a crime of passion.
  • My TV was on in the background but I wasn't watching it...the only thing I noticed was how goddamn much Cheney reminds me a frog.
  • It was a crime of passion. I recommend justiciation, tempermated with mercifullinity.
  • "This is what you call going to hell in a bobsled 'cause you're moving faster than you can in a basket."
  • I watched "Lost Horizon" instead. Strangely appropriate.
  • the only thing I noticed was how goddamn much Cheney reminds me a frog. Cheney outed as Frenchman! Bush Administration in turmoil! News at 11.
  • C'mon f8x, every already *knew* that "Cheney" is really spelled "Chaineaux." There was a moveon.org thing about it, like, ages ago. "Dick," of course, is the same in all both languages.
  • Thoughtful piece from Matthew Parris in the Times who thinks America's might is draining away. Might be reg. req'd. Can't remember if I've got a cookie there or not.
  • I tried to watch, but my mom is dating a guy who is a wonderful man, and happens to look exactly like Cheney. He's from Texas, too - must be something in the water down there. Plus, the whole dyed fingers to represent the whole 'Mission Accomplished" successful election just made me cringe. Luckily, MetaFilter to the rescue, ignu had a great comment: " This is an awesome opinion about the GOP's chest thumping over this election: You do not own their courage. The people who stood in line Sunday did not stand in line to make Americans feel good about themselves. You do not own their courage. They did not stand in line to justify lies about Saddam and al-Qaeda, so you don't own their courage, Stephen Hayes. They did not stand in line to justify lies about weapons of mass destruction, or to justify the artful dodginess of Ahmad Chalabi, so you don't own their courage, Judith Miller. They did not stand in line to provide pretty pictures for vapid suits to fawn over, so you don't own their courage, Howard Fineman, and neither do you, Chris Matthews. You do not own their courage. They did not stand in line in order to justify the dereliction of a kept press. They did not stand in line to make right the wrongs born out of laziness, cowardice, and the easy acceptance of casual lying. They did not stand in line for anyone's grand designs. They did not stand in line to play pawns in anyone's great game, so you don't own their courage, you guys in the PNAC gallery. You do not own their courage. They did not stand in line to provide American dilettantes with easy rhetorical weapons, so you don't own their courage, Glenn Reynolds, with your cornpone McCarran act out of the bowels of a great university that deserves a helluva lot better than your sorry hide. They did not stand in line to be the instruments of tawdry vilification and triumphal hooting from bloghound commandos. They did not stand in line to become useful cudgels for cheap American political thuggery, so you don't own their courage, Freeper Nation. You do not own their courage. They did not stand in line to justify a thousand mistakes that have led to more than a thousand American bodies. They did not stand in line for the purpose of being a national hypnotic for a nation not even their own. They did not stand in line for being the last casus belli standing. They did not stand in line on behalf of people's book deals, TV spots, honorarium checks, or tinpot celebrity. They did not stand in line to be anyone's talking points. You do not own their courage. "