February 01, 2005

Curious, George: DVD to Powerpoint I need to import a video clip from a DVD into a PowerPoint presentation. I used Mac the Ripper to rip the DVD, but now I just have a copy of a DVD on my desktop. Any ideas how I can convert it to a useable file format?
  • Nevermind, I figured it out. Gosh, you monkeys are so helpful you don't even need to SPEAK to help me. Thanks!
  • So how'd you do it?
  • this reminds me, there's a new concept out there, the technosexual. kid you not. it's a male who's into techy gadgets and gizmos. carry on.
  • I'd have exported the ripped copy into whatever file format PP accepts (.mov or .mpg). Another way is to use SnapzPro, a screen capture utility, to capture just the segment needed while playing the DVD. Depending on the Mac's speed, this is easier and faster. it's a male who's into techy gadgets and gizmos "into" meaning: just as a hobby, or as a sexual preference? *shudders*
  • what the heck is it with the ****sexual terms, that, as best I can tell have NOTHING to do with sexuality , seem to only apply to males.... and the point is??? and, in looking it up, I found reference to this term which makes a LOT of sense to me: pomosexual (poh.moh.SEK.shoo.ul) n. A person who shuns labels such as heterosexual and homosexual that define individuals by their sexual preferences. Also: PoMoSexual. —adj.
  • Well let me introduce you to this little gadget over here: The Penis Mightier.
  • "With metrosexuality, it's about style, fashion, culture, and grooming for the straight male. A metrosexual man may be seen at an NBA game one night and an art gallery opening the next," says Ricky Montalvo, the man who wants to take technosexuals mainstream. "We take it one step further by adding technology. A technosexual man may not need to go to the NBA game because he can get highlights and scores via SMS or by browsing the web on his PDA while at the art gallery."
  • yeah how's come it's always men? i want my -sexual label, goddamn it. signed, SideDish, the ChocoSexual.
  • I have this weird fetish where I like to put my qock in an attractive woman's quff. I dunno what you call that.
  • "Well let me introduce you to this little gadget over here: The Penis Mightier." You're sitting on a gold mine, Trebek! /Sean Connery
  • You technosexaholic pomo.
  • he's such a Connerysexual.
  • A ChocoSexual? You mean like Britney Spears?
  • precisely! there you go. signed, SideDish, the Eclairosexual.
  • I remember we used to say that girls who only took it up the butt were still virgins, but boys who did weren't.
  • I'm a Sexosexual of the species Blowjobus Maximus Appreciatus
  • I'm just a plain, albeit superbly skilled, het.
  • Thanks to grad school, I'm a NoMosexual. And thanks, Flagpole. I've been trying to figure out how to fit a Monty Python clip into a ppt lecture.
  • I'm a quffosexual. I'm not giving up on that fucking word. I like it.
  • Yowza. Love it when a thread derails. I used Mac the Ripper to rip the DVD, then OpenShiva to convert it to a useable and compact mp4 format. ......... The only thing I don't understand about the technosexual is why they had to add "-sexual" onto the word geek.
  • I'm just a plain, albeit superbly skilled, het. He's teh het, which makes him a palindromosexual.
  • Given that I am a nearsighted monkey and that in certain fonts "m" is remarkably indistinuishable from "rn", it took me a moment or two to figure out what the relationship between the definition Bob offered of pomosexual and what I was imagining a pornosexual to be.
  • Not to disrupt the conversation, but I like Handbrake. It rips right to mp4. On a dual g5, it rips a DVD several times faster than real time. Great for loading movies on my laptop for the plane without needing to carry the disks.