January 30, 2005
So . . . what is it? Is it SFW? Is it a movie? Flash? An animated .gif that doesn't do anything for about 20 seconds then suddenly screams at you? Aaaaiiigh! Ever since gaping_modem's Corey Feldman poop I'm reluctant to click on a link that's just the domain name with no description and no comments. Um, although if I was looking for answers in the comments, I wouldn't be helped by this either. Sorry.
It's safe, Pete. It's a very sophisticated site about a stringed house. Wicked cool!
Very interesting, although I think cats, dogs and children would not be welcome in such a place. A monkey, on the other hand, could make the house resonate nicely.
Ever since gaping_modem's Corey Feldman poop I'm reluctant to click on a link that's just the domain name with no description and no comments. So thats why hardly anyone ever comments in the threads I post
oooo oooo oooo oooo ahh ahh ahh ahh OOOOO OOOOO AHH AHH AHHH Werks for me. *must confess, didn't click on link, but if it's anything like the wall in the zoo, there's some great sound effects
And no, this isn't a miss-post that was supposed to be in the modified kitchen appliance thread
Ooh, cool. Except what do you do when it goes out of tune?
You buy a really big tuning fork.
Never mind about it going out of tune, what would happen if the strings snapped? And someone was walking by? Do they cut in half by the string whipping by? *shudder*
as long as someone blogs it...
I watched one of the videos. Musical architecture is an interesting idea. I'd like to hear how it sounds when the windows are opened on a windy day. And maybe something besides strings, like a water-drip operated percussion section. Houses kind of already have music - the creaking and the squeaking and the doors slamming. The garbarge disposal and the dishwasher and the vaccuum. Don't forget the toilets. Once a visiting friend told me that the repetitive sound the dryer and washing machines were making sounded like someone singing "Li - ly, Li - ly."