January 26, 2005

Firefly Pinyinary - for all your Chinese space swearing needs.

Including characters and tones. Also, the Firefly Wiki, and a place to learn some politer Chinese - Zhongwen.com. So, that first quote - is that a literal or loose translation?

  • Very loose. Literally the three words mean: "ta1" = "him/her" ; "ma1" = "mother" ; "de4"= possessive term. So while textually it may be closer to "Your mother!", in meaning and actual usage, would be closer to "damn it!".
  • I don't understand.
  • And I was so looking forward to learning how to say "Fuck me blind!" in Chinese. Nostril - it's a phrasebook for a show I've been watching lately. The characters speak in Chinese occasionally (not that well - the actors really struggled with the pronunciation and tones, but that would be in character), usually as an expletive.
  • Not to be a spoilsport, but methinks this be a double. Kao!
  • I think all Firefly-related posts should be doulbes or even triples!!! just kidding, of course That show never got the respect it deserved. I received the series from my darling, and after one watch, I haven't seen it since. It's making the rounds to everyone I know. Co-workers, friends, relatives, friends of relatives... Hopefully one day I'll get it back, but if my efforts help make the movie (if it's true to the series, and ever is actually released) more successful, it *gasp* pleasepleaseplease might bring back the show... I'm a fanboy of two things. Halo 2 and Firefly
  • doulbes?
  • The movie is set to be released in September this year. Can't wait. Love the post. Now we can gen hou zi bi diu shi. ("engage in a feces hurling contest with a monkey")
  • Word on the movie Serenity, by the way, is that it rocks astoundingly. True to the series, good new stuff for the fans, but a delight for people who've never seen the series as well. Oh, and apparently a great villain in Chiwetel Ejiofor, one of my favourite actors. I've never seen the series, but I loves me some Whedon, so I can't wait. (And I think it would have been stupid to release it on the originally planned date in April - it wouldn't just have had to compete with Star Wars, but the froody-looking Hitch Hikers movie too. It would have been crushed like a little beetle, regardless of quality.)
  • Count me in as a Firefly fan-girl. It seems that whenever Whedon works on something, my inner girl-geek comes out. Sad, but true.
  • My apologies - I forgot to search, as I thought I had read just about all posts (and it was super late). Apparently, I had even read this post, but my brain do not function so well any more. And A dead Quaker had a much better presentation. Searching will always be done. (But are we allowed to post Serenity related stuff come release time? It would be totally Pepsi Blue, but good Pepsi Blue.)
  • It's coming. BlueSun.org