November 18, 2003
Tampon Art:
Not as scary as I thought it would be. Possibly NSFW. [Via memepool.]
This one wasn't very popular.
no wonder, it's not there any more. i trust they were new ones.
That's because most of us weren't members yet - this was pioneer territory.
*plays harmonica around the campfire*
well, better a harmonica then power tools, by the sound of things.
He just wouldn't keep his fingers off the skill saw.
Lovely decorative tampons
i still can't get into these tampon links. thank heavens i'm menopausal.
Try for the fore-mentioned tampon art. Weird stuff.. some people have far too much free time.. (or possibly they're from prison art classes or something?)
some things are best left unknown, methinks.
The page cannot be found.
NO NO NO I'll save the post! Here's the tampon art link (and the best one is the tampon kitty) And don't forget TamponHenge! Because it's Christmas, we MUST renew the link to the tampon angel.
Crocheted tampon cozies.
Wait! those tampons were supposed to be 16 *feet* tall!
I can't find a link, but there's a way to make them into decorative chili peppers (for kitchen decor, no doubt) too.
My horse-sized, rock-hard, throbbing member and I are vaguely threatened by this.
I'm shocked I was so eager to follow nicjdanger that I didn't comment on tampon art.
Oh, dear, where's our PeteBest??? Following Mechagrue's link led me to this hat. It is absolutely SO HIM!!
How did I miss that? That's teh 4vves0m3! I just came back to remind everyone to decorate for the holidays.