January 18, 2005

The Gallery page of bookplates.org is just one neat page to scroll down. Oh-so civilized even when the designs are, well, not, the bookplate always seemed wondrous to me. Do you have a bookplate? If you don't, what would your design be? Anyone have links to some great ones?
  • Nice post. Cheers.
  • This makes me want to design my own. Does putting a bookplate in a book diminish its value?
  • More plates here and here.
  • the third one down on bee's first link here would be perfect for us.
  • Nice linky, Arch1. Most are so very formal. I like the cute/silly/colorful ones. Katz are always good.
  • this article talks more about how signatures change book value, but I think it's a good perspective on the whole concept of what a book is worth. as for bookplates or signs of previous ownership, this article indicates that it can lower the value, but it depends.
  • Ah, perhaps it would be best just to slip on in, and not paste it down.