January 17, 2005

Death - the last taboo: The Interactive Autopsy. Requires FLASH. Not gory because all cartoon, the only video is a pathologist explaining the trouble with brains. There is more detailed info on autopsies, autopsy instruments, decomposition, morgues and mortuaries etc, on the associated site. It doesn't, however, tell you which are the best cuts of meat for eating purposes. For that information, I suggest looking into the careers of Ed Gein or good ol' Bert Fish.
  • I should know better than to click on a link that says "decomposition" before breakfast.
  • About 30 years ago, Esquire magazine had a lengthy article of what happens to your body after you're dead. It was both fascinating and gruesome. The image that remains in my brain came from the description of bodies donated to science. Large, pointy tongs were inserted to the ear canals and attached to rails above a tank of formaldehyde, so that the body would be suspended in the chemical in an upright position. Currents in the tank would cause the bodies to sway in a sort of stately dance. And, that's my present to you for today.
  • I sat in on an autopsy one time. There are some new smells but over all it’s not that bad. The most noticeable oddity is that the tissue doesn’t bleed. The only nasty thing was the bone saw. Sounds too much like a dental drill. Made my teeth hurt.
  • It was surprisingly (and surprisingly disapointingly) ungory. But very cool nonetheless, )