January 17, 2005

Click the wheel to visit a random Web page.

This site in ancient, but I just happened to stumble upon it for the first time.

  • This is almost *completely* random (although it does claim to choose from a best-of-the-web list) and thus lacks any sort of press-the-button-to-get-a-food-pellet repeatability. I've found that when boredom takes hold, it's better to just start typing pseudo-random tag words into del.icio.us or flickr until i make a new discovery or find inspiration to step into the big blue room.
  • This is cool. Thanks! Have you tried Oishii? It takes del.icio.us, and post a summary of the top bookmarked websites, which is renewed every 15 minutes. http://opencontent.org/oishii/
  • This was literally the second site I visited, back in the dark ages (with the MacWeb browser, on a Macintosh emulator running in an Amiga4000...). Good times.
  • Cool site, haven't seen it before, but I only wish that there were language filters... one can only take so many .de sites in a row, don'tyaknow...
  • It took me straight to John Lee Hooker, who is a forever favourite blues artist of mine. Now I can check the value of some of the original L.P.'s I still have.,,,such as Hooker 'n'Heat. I saw this artist live as well.