January 14, 2005

Clock made for the people, by the people I thought this was pretty cool. It's interesting to see what people were doing at this exact minute in days gone by. (lots of crappy carboard signs, but some very cool ones as well... plus, you can submit your very own!) via boingboing.
  • Now I want a screensaver or "desktopsaver" with these pictures. That would be cool. Mmm, I'm tempted to make one. It needs 720 pictures (they don't distinguish between AM and PM) so it will be a bit on the heavy side though.
  • Hmm. Have I ever told any 'o youse about my lust for Xeni Jardin?
  • I think that came up once before, yes.
  • A refreshing Friday post, thanks!
  • Mi>...you need to have cookies turned on in your browser... Backs away.