January 06, 2005

picture this: Bill gates on a podium presenting his latest product. The crowd anxiously awaits the first glance at truly revolutionary software, he points, he clicks, and then...THE BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH! he he he
  • Link dead for anyone else?
  • Soooo OOOOOOLD
  • Slashdot discussion Links may, or may not, work.
  • You mean to tell me this is new, and it happened again????
  • yes. heh heh heh.
  • IIRC, the first time was demostrating the Plug-and-pray feature, and this time was some fine application of their groundbreaking new Media PC. Personally, I prefer the Ballmer "Monkeyboy" dance. Gates doesn't have the chutzpah to snort a line of coke the size of a bentley and then dance like an idiot in front of his employees.
  • There's a couple of laptop keepers in Redmond that are about the get the shreds of their asses handed to them, along with a box for their Boba Fett figurines and framed certifications.
  • For those who like laughing at Ballmer, here is an article with former head Nintendo honcho Hiroshi Yamauchi where he recounts telling Ballmer to 'suck my tiny yellow balls'.
  • I like laughing at Ballmer ... but Yamauchi ... not at all facist ... Hmmmmm
  • The interview with Ballmer is a fake, apparently. It's a good one, though.
  • That's Yamauchi, not Ballmer, damnit.
  • Heheh, fake, you say? I would never have guessed. Hehe.
  • I think Bill Gates is a pervert.
  • You think everyone's a pervert. *adjusts bra strap*
  • Yeah! *adjusts strap on, goat*
  • Support intellectual property laws or Bill Gates will call you a communist.
  • I think people just wanna save money
  • This would be hysterically funny, if only much of the informational infrastructure in worlwide companies and governments wasn't based on those clowns' flea-ridden, piss & puke smelling patchquilt. Oh boy. Still... it's nothing. Remember that speakernote when the battery of a digital camera Steve Jobs was attempting to connect went dead? He tossed it to an underling and used another camera. But what the audience didn't get to see, was the backstage carnage, where he killed and ate the heart of the guilty flunky...
  • I'm a communist like he's a fascist.
  • I wonder what's going to happen when he presents his new antivirus software...
  • Hmmm.... weighing the sides of the argument... a) the fact that MS products have almost always worked wonderfully for me OR b) anecdotal evidence of one failure from the unbiased source of a Mac news site. guess I'll stop using Windows forever. sorry, go back to your fun
  • I met billg once in my Microsoft days, back when the antitrust cases were just gathering steam. He said some very stupid things that to me revealed a total misunderstanding of the purpose of the software industry. I continue to be surprised that Microsoft and their broken products are as successful as they are. Intellectually I suppose I understand that monopolies are always counterintuitive like that. (Disclaimer: Microsoft fired me for opposing a managerial decision. I have come to see it as a tactical failure on my part, though I continue to have strong philosophical differences with Microsoft.)
  • I'm a communist *and* I support IP law. What does billg think of me?
  • I also want to note that Steve Ballmer is a disgrace to the human race. I have half a mind to dig through my archives for the lyrics to "I wish I were a little bit balder; I wish I were Ballmer...".
  • A Bill Gates story from macdailynews is a valid FPP? Just let me dig up that editorial on Palestine from The Jerusalem Post...
  • no pics?
  • Windows 2000/XP rarely give me headaches. Couldn't say the same about 95/98/NT (never used ME, thank god), but let the past stay buried...
  • If I was at all deistically inclined, i would claim that ME was the spawn of Satan. What a piece of crap that was.
  • Ah, but a piece of crap that nobody used. Which means that the amount of virii written for it are negligible. It's inherent crappiness makes it safe. It'd be like writing a virus for the Amiga.
  • i'd make fun of mr. gates here but i'm afraid if i did my WinXP laptop would lock up on me an 2ad glkjabeng;LESH G;ZSORIH G[PIOZ [ I ZXV .. .. ... .... Windows has encountered an error in TK1138.dll and cannot continue. Please reinstall your operating system. file not found error No operating system on hard disk 1 Please insert a bootable disk and try again.