January 06, 2005

CNN fires Tucker Carlson and kills their regular Crossfire program. Jon Stewart's ruckus appears to have won him converts at the highest executive levels at CNN. Dare one hope for the US cable media again, or is President Jonathan Klein merely flipping his flops? Fans of the Bowtied Wonder need not worry: Carlson has a new show on the ultra right-wing PBS (wait, WHAT?!) and there are rumors that he'll land a sweet gig at MSNBC.
  • He's such a....now what's the word I'm looking for? I ferget.
  • Fuck, this story is everywhere on the internets now. Even fucking BoingBoing has scooped me. Sorry! I guess I won't be sad if this post is axed.
  • You obviously havn't seen some of my posts then.
  • Sorry! I guess I won't be sad if this post is axed. You're h-h-hurting MonkeyFilter... :-) Seriously, no worries, Grignr. Not everything has to be unique, unseen and otherwise unknowable. It is, after all, about links to things that already exist... (One day, I propose to make a post which points only to web pages which will exist in the future. I shall be criticised for it, and only with the passing of time will people realise just how good a post it was.) And it's a well-constructed post (at first glance, at least.) Also, I'm not sure this is necessarily a victory for the righteous forces of Jon Stewart, although it sure is fun to think of it that way. I think Carlson was moving on anyway, and Klein's just using the popularity of Stewart and his evisceration of Carlson to make himself look like the big guy who's down with the cool kids. But hey, what do I know? I've only ever seen clips of this nonsense on the internet, anyway...
  • Who cares? Monkeyfilter is not primarily American and a lot of us could give two shits what happens on the idiot-box over there.
  • Yes. Sorry. Please delete this post. I won't bother with MoFi any more with my C- shit.
  • Hold it, hold it. I have the lock on c- shit around here. (and the d and the f).
  • This is not a shit post, don't stress over it Grignr. You provided more information than just one news article, and for what it's worth, I hadn't heard about it yet. Don't lie Nostril, you're jealous that we have Jon Stewart and you don't! Quit hating freedom.
  • Yes, you're right, I hate freedom. Curses.
  • i had a little ginger in my step today knowing he got axed, but to see him on the pbs website just makes my heart sink/blood boil/. i never would have guessed that bow tie wearing lego-land reject could land a spot at pbs. bill moyers steps out. tucker carslon steps in. PBS - Pray (4 a) Better Station? your post is not at all inappropriate, grignr. I also don't think it should be deleted. it is, unfortunately, very depressing. . . although the nostril outbreak was a bit amusing in an almost tucker carlson like fashion. we're all, in preview, just opinionated hacks and good theater.
  • I am very ashamed to admit that I think Tucker Carlson is a cutie-pie. Sometimes I worry that this makes me a bad left-coast librul.
  • Don't lie Nostril, you're jealous that we have Jon Stewart and you don't! Quit hating freedom. I think CNN International carries some kinda weekly "Best of the Daily Show" type show.
  • Thank God they're finally axing Crossfire. That show was the most unhealthy, obnoxious brain trash I've ever seen.
  • I think CNN International carries some kinda weekly "Best of the Daily Show" type show. It's on Saturday nights on CNN Asia. I don't know, we had the Weekly Show on TV here in Oz for a while. I didn't get a lot out of it, but whatever.
  • yeah, for those of you not lucky (?) enough to be subjected to the evil tyrrany that is the bush administration, the daily show loses something. actually, i probably see more world news on that fake news program that i would see on any of the networks. mr. stewart isn't afraid to pull out the big guns and ask the hard questions. it's actually bearable to watch even things like the election coverage on his show, giggling when all else says i should have been curled into the fetal position and weeping. carlson? aside from the ruckus stewart caused on crossfire, i never really paid attention to the tool. see, you aren't supposed to feed the trolls. and his bowtie thing is stupid. i've known very few people who can pull off a bowtie, and just looking at his photo tells me he isn't one of them.
  • I think Carlson was moving on anyway Yep. "Let go" is not the same as fired, sacked, terminated, downsized, etc. It means they decided to not compete with the other stations who were enamoured with Carlson. And since CNN also announced that "Crossfire" was no longer going to run, it is pretty obvious why they didn't need Tucker around anymore. I am a lefty, and even I generally liked Tucker. He often shows that he is reasonable, intelligent and honest. That is until he became an insufferable jerk during the election cycle. That may or may not have been his own doing. I would not be surprised if CNN (and all other stations/networks) .... ummm .... suggested to their politcal show hosts that they argue a bit more. That being said, Jon Stewart was right. The show was horrible, it served the public poorly, and it was divisive. Good riddence to it.
  • Thank God they're finally axing Crossfire. Axing them what? I don't understand . . . Anyway - I myself had saved the news article to post here, but I had intended to search for one of our past John-Stewart-fawning threads to put it in. Ring-a-ding-ding baby!
  • i liked the old crossfire of years ago much better, when people actually DISCUSSED issues and did not scream at one another.
  • i liked the old crossfire of years ago much better, when people actually DISCUSSED issues and did not scream at one another. Screaming at one another is the new black.
  • oh wait no i guess you were right
  • I would greatly enjoy punching *ucker Carlson right on the end of his stupid little nose. But that would be very bad of me. Albeit hugely entertaining for everyone else.
  • I love Michael Kinsley, and I enjoyed him on Crossfire years ago (and, true, he was pretty reasonable and less theatrical than most of the hosts they've had) but way back then, twenty years ago, I hated everything that Crossfire represented and complained about it all the time. Later, it sort of went off my radar as I gave up TV almost completely. But politics-as-theater
  • MCT's right: for most guys, a bowtie screams out "I am colossal dick with a twee little ribbon wrapped around it!" Nostril we got 2400 and change members here - if everyone coughed up $10 (or the equivalent in whatever currency you like), that'd be $24,000 in legal fees. The catch being, you gotta get yourself socking Carlson *on film*. And you have to clock him, no shoving matches - a nice solid whack, right to the beezer. If you can get a few kicks to him when he's down, that'd be aces. Can you throw a punch?
  • If I had to guess, I'd say that PBS is trying to distance themselves a bit from the "left-wing media" stereotype now that the republicans are firmly in control of the purse strings. "Lookey! Tucker Carlson! Republicans, whoooo! Keep funding us!"
  • As the Taibbi article (last link) indicates, I doubt Carlson is a Republican in the same way that Limbaugh or Hannity are Republicans. Hollow though he is, I think he would stop short of justifying torture or calling anyone he disagrees with an unAmerican or a traitor. He surely doesn't loathe the other side like some other Republican talking heads: it would not surprise me, for instance, if Carlson and Begala were found to be dry-humping buddies. The argument that he's just a contrarian like Christopher Hitchens seems to hold the most appeal to me, with the note that Carlson neither has the ability, nor the jowls of Hitchens.
  • i'll throw in $20 USD, at least, if nostril cracks mr carlson.
  • Dude, to see Carlson rocked in the snotbox, I'd pony up a hundred bucks U.S. We'd make that back in spades selling copies of it on DVD. Half this country would buy it.