January 05, 2005

Dude! Duuude...Awww
  • aw, dude!
  • I love that. I used to waste so much time in my youth with baseball statistics and other silly computations. I cannot imagine the fun I would have had with Google as a youth.
  • This is fun dude: go to Google Suggests and type in goooo. It gives you the distribution of hits for each alternate google spelling. Keep adding zeros until you get to 16. That is a strange resonance indeed. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuude!
  • [this is good]
  • Loved the Dude cartoon! In the early 90s I was in a band with a couple of dude-ers, who incessantly used the word to mean whatever they wanted it to. Reminded me of a passage in Spider Robinson's book _Time Pressure_ where he shows that hippies similarly used the phrase "far out" to mean absolutely anything. So, does each generation have a verbal "wild card"?
  • Funny cartoon. I sometimes use dude, but not by itself like the guys in the strip, and often with like. As in, "Dude, you've like got to check out their delicious dosas."
  • Dude, like Chinese, is a tonal language. or something
  • Duuuuuuuude! I love Language Log. It's certainly in the top two of language-related blogs in which the title is the word "Language" followed by a common three-letter word. And I love the word "Dude" - not inherently more flexible than any other in the English language (as the dude's "January" example shows), but in common usage, it can surely only be rivalled by "yeah?" as the single word which can express the greatest range of possibilities. My favourite new phrase, as uttered by one of mothninja's mates a few weeks ago, is "Dude, mazel tov!". I try to use it whenever possible. Also, that rug really tied the room together.
  • hey dude I saw you nude/ dont fake it I saw you naked
  • There was a car commercial that was like that cartoon, except without the subtitles. I think it was for a Jetta or something, anyone remember it?
  • That had not occured to me dude.
  • Sooooooooooooooooz!
  • Toyota Echo, I think. It wasn't that long ago. The one where everyone's holding coffee and they drive over the railway tracks, dude?
  • Duuuuuuuude!
  • Two words: Jeff Bridges.
  • Look, let me explain something. I'm not Mr. Lebowski; you're Mr. Lebowski. I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. That, or Duder. His Dudeness. Or El Duderino, if, you know, you're not into the whole brevity thing--
  • You mean, coitus?
  • Oh+3, that was fun. Thank you.
  • The Dude abides.