December 21, 2004
Curious George: Dame Tracicle with baby or was it just my imagination? If not my imagination, can the monkeys have an update?
Baby monkeys are SOOOO cute!
last i heard monkeybashi was indeed Great With Child
I believe she is actually constructing a child from a lego kit and some pipe cleaners - and when I say "child" please read "nine-headed monsterous bird-creature filled with evil who will descend upon Damascus to peck the righteous into horrified submission" but I could be wrong I guess.
maybe someone would care to knit a gift for the baby monkey from some of this?
Having one baby and second one in progress
Oh - so who's making the monstrous bird-creature then? And why can't I spell?
quidnunc, you were assigned to evil bird detail - trying to foist it on Monkeybashi . . tsk tsk!
AWK! AWK! Shudder in fear, O citizens of Damascus! I come to peck you all to HELL!
Can we name it?
i vote for Succotash. Succotash Monkeybashi.
Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevski Monkeybashski.
Moon Unit Monkeybashi.
SANTABASHI'S HERE!! aren't you supposed to be busy getting ready to deliver presents, santabashi?
Wishy Bashi.
It should be named Frank. Whether it is female or not.
Actually, I think my previous suggestion has not been taken.
I was thinking Dweezil, actually. Yes, am small with child. Thirteen weeks, due late June. Less ill than before, still very tired which may explain my frequent outbursts of grumpiness. I'm also barely awake right now, so feeling incoherent. I hope this makes sense. Tghjghgthjvbnt.
*SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAL LIKE A LITTLE GAY BOY* AWWW...that's sooo cute! Congrats Traci' **************** And what is it with all these jive names you people have come up with?!Have you now respect?! may I suggest: Akatai Yob Traciculunus Bashishkan... or Akatai Bob? I also like Moon Unit (santabashi) no? Damn you MCT! whyyyy?! YOU BEAT US ALL! damn you I say, damn you!
Happy holidays to Monkeybashi! And happy solstice revels, whether winter or summer, to all monkeys!
Ah, yes! Today's the solstice, isn't it? Well, time to wake the ancient ones. Where's my goat?
due late June *claps* #4 will share the same birth month with me! Hurrah for June babies! Longest night of the year, you say? Wonderful :) I'm gonna go make up for three weeks' of sleep now. Night all, have a good solstice.
Ashlee Bashi? Congrats Tracicle! And Happy Solstice!
#4? There is #3?
#3, aka "offspring #1", aka so-cute-I-wanna-kidnap-him-and-raise-him-myself. Well...not really. But I would enjoy putting a picture of him in my wallet and showing him off to random strangers
For a name, I suggest Smite-The-Heathens Hope. Or a modernized Smackdown-On-The-Unfaithful Hope. Or Smacky for short. Personally, I want to name my kids Spawn.
Smacky! Woo!
If it's a boy, the obvious choice for a name would be Saparmurat.
I've always wanted to name my first kid Apocalypse Now. The Positive: He/she won't get beaten up in school. The Negative: He/she would end up being called 'Pocky'.
Hey Pocky Way!
Anybody heard of the Japanese snack Pocky? I've had the advert indoctrinated into me since pre-school: Ok! Pocky! In cho-co-let or stlawbelly.
pocky is great but yan-yan is better ;)