December 17, 2004

Diagnosing Gollum

*bangs head into wall repeatedly*

  • Login: Monkey_filter Pass: monkeyfilter
  • I think it was dioxin poisoning...
  • No, flashboy, it was clearly a stunningly contemporaneous bout of rosacea, Bell's palsy, rickets, the clap (don't ask), and whooping cough. *cchhgollum*
  • I was speaking to a friend in Australia as I was perusing this (yeah, I know... bad friend I be) and I mentioned it to her. She works in Brisbane for a rather rough public school as an adminsitrator. Once I mentioned SANE she went off on a 20 minute litany on how completely "assfucked those bastards are" (meaning SANE. Never quite got the gist of why... but SANE seems to be ill regarded in the wider social health community in Australia. I just had to share.