December 16, 2004

Best "page not found" page ever! This will, without doubt, qualify as the dumb post of the day here at Monkeyfilter, a link to a page that doesn't exist!..... But, this "page not found" page has a cute factor of about 100 on a 1-10 scale... Couldn't resist sharing it!
  • ouch...try this /note to self - ALWAYS preview, even the short little posts with no spelling errorrrs!!!!!
  • That face makes me want to cry!! Awwwwwww...
  • What a cute baby.
  • Unfortunately, there's nothing special about Monkeyfilter's 404 page...
  • Wow. The watery eyes is pretty catchy. I gotta learn how to fake that kind of sincerity...
  • Best ever? Not so sure about that. Check out the 404 Research Lab for other contenders...
  • Cool link, klausness. This one gave me an idea...MoFi could run a 404 Banana Not Found contest...
  • Man, it would be cool to see kid faces for all the HTTP errors.
  • SGI used to have a whole bunch of these crying baby faces as their 404s (on a random shuffle). I'm pretty sure this was one of them. Now they're boring. (Also - your original, accidental mislink was pretty funny as well - looks like it hit a 404 trying to deal with the 404.)
  • Monkey 404 via Klausness' link. I'm sure we can do better. Yes, we have no bananas 404?
  • Reuven... yeah, I know, the irony slapped me in the face the minute I realized I had screwed up (an easy thing to recognize, it happens so often!)... Klausness, I think I had seen that before...but the cute little kid was a new one for me...
  • i've seen some funny 404s. i built a couple things into my own site, but half of the errors are ones i can't ever seem to trigger. i can get it to spit out a 404 or a 403 but that's about it.
  • Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. I'm guessing the monkeyfilter 404 is an attempt to find a custom 404 page which doesn't exist... nearly a recursive 404 if Apache didnt' catch it.
  • 404 Research Lab has some great file not found pages.
  • Man, it would be cool to see kid faces for all the HTTP errors. Has enough time elapsed for me to self-link to my Extremely Moving Tragedy written in HTTP Status Codes again? Why yes, I believe it has. The archive death has long since stolen its origins from human sight, so... hey ho.
  • Author! Author! /applauds
  • See also the alternate ending 202 Accepted 201 Created ... 503 Service Unavailable The implication is that this is a temporary condition which will be alleviated after some delay.
  • Throwing in a 402 could also spice things up.
  • And multiple 413 and 414 responses help, lest we receive a 417.
  • 408, 305, you know the relationship's dead but still you fool yourself. 200, 100.
  • The secret to happiness is lowered expectations. To guarantee disatisfaction promise "best ever".
  • 403?? Das ist verboten!!
  • You should also have a look at the 404 Research Lab!
  • I hear the 404 Research Lab is the best evar!
  • In most of my relationships I usually only manage 206.
  • from flashboys link: 417 Expectation Failed; 409 Conflict. heh Sorry if I was out of line adding the research lab link but thought it was interesting that someone collects these things and are very good in their own right.
  • I've always enjoyed the King/Kubrick spin on Evanizer's 404 page
  • Kill it. Kill it hard.