December 15, 2004

Pierced Eyeglasses

It can be useful, I suppose.

  • You know, I have this problem when I drink. My clothes fall off and I can't find them. Perhaps I could attach my undies to my hoo hoo ring? Even better with a retractable leash.
  • Such a huge potential for so much pain...
  • So often, I'd be whipping my glasses on or off, and I'd think to myself, "if only there were a way to make this much more inconvenient and painful..." This makes four-eyed geeks like me more vulnerable than ever. Fan-friggin-tastic.
  • slightly disturbing.
  • *shudders* I imagine these people would never be able to carry a toddler...unless of course they want their nose ripped out.
  • *faints*
  • No. Oh God, no.
  • wrong
  • I feel like I saw some of these on another website once, latched onto the piercing with a magnet. Google is not helping. Nothing I'd want for myself (especially considering that toddlers are my very line of work, and I only wear glasses outside the house when I'm too lazy or worn out to put in my contacts. Also, if you only wear glasses on rare occasion, it makes kids even more likely to yank them off just for the sheer novelty of it), but definitely inventive.
  • Tempting.
  • I am experiencing severe trepidation.
  • You know, I have this wristwatch that keeps falling off...
  • I wish they'd have come up with those Molly Millions/Rose Kolodny mirrored-inset glasses that cover the entire eye socket. Nothing for kids to grab onto, you can wear them to sleep, and you can have a small datafeed LED'd onto the inside that has, I dunno, stockquotes? weather? maybe pr0n? Now that would be cool. This, on the other hand, is sorta stupid and not really even cool *looking*.
  • Monkeyfilter - my hoo hoo ring
  • I was also thinking of dear Molly as I saw the pics for those. Downside is that your tearducts get rerouted to your mouth. I'd like to bring back the pince nez, myself, but I'm pretty sure all my friends would take to calling me "Morpheus."
  • And mispronouncing it "MORP-hues." I wouldn't mind seeing the monocle make a comeback. Very Colonel Klinky!
  • fuck that fuck that FUCK THAT!! I mean, that's cool and everything that there isn't any arms— I too hate having to rely on my ears for vision. But fuck that!
  • list of things for which piercing would be useful: Mittens on small children (called, perhaps, the "jesus pierce") Neckties (the "tracheotomy pierce") Condoms (the "ouch" pierce, also called the "not on your f*^%ing life" pierce) TV remote (a modified "jesus pierce") just ideas, mind you.......
  • I wouldn't mind seeing the monocle make a comeback. Very Colonel Klinky! I've considered getting a monocle, just because they're so cool. But I'd need two, and that'd kinda ruin it.
  • Seems a tad extreme.
  • babywannasofa: this, maybe? I can't seem to find any actual product either, though. And as far as the glasses falling off is concerned, while I agree that this is fairly dangerous in its current implementation, it shouldn't be that hard to put little knobs on the barbell that stick out a little bit on each side, and then have the glasses just clip onto the knobs rather than be securely attached to the barbell. That way, they can get knocked off without causing any permanent damage. It would be kind of cool to see people put their glasses on that way, just placing them on the bridge of the nose, all Morpheus-like.
  • I'd do it. I have worn glasses all my life and get so tired of the discomfort points. I just don't see how to clean them, as mine need to done twice a day, at least.
  • Of course, my idea would necessitate having the glasses in one piece, which would mean you'd have to have a bridge across the two lenses (like most pairs of glasses), which might detract from the coolness a bit... but still. Safety first!
  • On a nearly random note, here is a gallery of people wearing pince-nez glasses. Maybe it's just me, but they don't seem so sexy nowadays...
  • No, no, a thousand times no! Which is a lot of noes to know, I don't mind putting them on or taking them off but must draw the line at putting them in to my eyes or my nose or my chin!
  • Damned Internets. It just took me 15 seconds to find a pince-nez in my perscription. I think it is one of those things that seems cool at first, but it would actually be really dorky...
  • Fes: Molly lenses could be coming; swimwear manufacturers are experimenting with glue-on lenses for swimminers (they glue around the eye socket and cover the eye completely). I'm sure it would be only a matter of time before they go prescription.
  • Ouch.
  • This is so cool. The mofi world seems to be divided into a large "never ever ever" group, and a smaller "that is so coooool" group.
    I wonder if there is a correlation with the "wears glasses" versus "Shades. All I ever wear is shades." division.
    I am in the "How sodding cool is that" / "Pierce my living flesh? For shades???" group.
  • This is soooo cool. OTOH, never in a million years. The divide is crossed ... and I, yes, I, am in the middle! HA! HAHA! HAHAHA!
  • I can imagine a subdermal implant in my neck, Huron, to attach a snap-on tie. Seriously. Considering my friends and the various implants/piercings they have, at least this is somewhat functional. Well, some of theirs are... just not so "day-to-day" as it were.
  • I wouldn't go for the piercing, but I'd have no problem having tiny magnets implanted. Click!
  • pmdboi, the pince-nez gallery is too funny. I'm guessing that only two or so of the models are really wearing them at the time of photo.
  • Oh wow! Pound a nail in my head so I can hang my hat on it. /sarcasm
  • Needles going into my nose just below my eyes. Yeah, right.
  • I was telling my sister today that I need something like this so I can stop misplacing my cellphone.
  • I wouldn't go for the piercing, but I'd have no problem having tiny magnets implanted. Click! Love it!!! I wanna be there the next time you go through airport security! One step further.... A mini-speaker implanted into the ear canal, with circuitry that plays "TickTickTickTick..." Oh wow! Pound a nail in my head so I can hang my hat on it. That's happened too ... well, almost. An "Odd News" story a year or so ago reported on a guy in Ohio who poked a straight piece of wire hanger THROUGH his skull into his brain so that he could music without carrying a radio. He went to a police station to complain that it didn't work. End result: Cranial surgery, followed by a psych commitment. [I don't think I can find a working link to that article.]
  • Fist fighting is out of the question for this guy.
  • I'd totally go for the implanted Gibson lenses, but only if they come a Robocop-style heads-up display.
  • Am I the only person here (other than dxlifer) that thinks these are awesome?? Next you'll tell me I'm the only one here that wants to get screw on spikes put into his scalp... As an aside to the people talking about how easy it would be to rip these off...not if he puts razor sharp metal on the edges with little spikes stickin out it ain't...