December 15, 2004

Consider the Eel Cuz what the hell else are you going to eat?
  • Consider the eel? What have you got against the eels? Well, have they got jobs? Who? The EELS. Have the eels got jobs? He says the eels are scrounging! Er, well the point is, the eels, they do all right, don't they? Well good luck to 'em! That's right, they're very tasty. OK, & you're much more important than they are, right? So what are you worrying about? There you are, see? I'm worrying about what you've got against the eels.
  • We've got jellied eels, curried eels, fried, baked, boiled eels, we've got raw eels in syrup, marzipan eels, cream of eels, iced eels, battered eels. We've got crystalised eels, eels with spam, eels stuffed with spam, eels stuffed with spam & then battered to death, we've got stunned eels and eels in porridge. Lovely. How about a nice eel sandwich?
  • mmm...eels. Anyone who's tried unagi will know. De-leee-cious!
  • Nostril'... you scare me...
  • Jellied Eels - makes me pine for home...
  • ...eels in porridge. A new culinary low, and the ruin of a perfectly lovely eel.
  • battered eels I've heard this is a growing problem in the eel community. 1-800-EEL-HEAL
  • I loves me some unagi. 'Specially in sushi. mmmmmmm...barbecued eel... Jellied eels frighten me though.
  • p.s. badgoat wins
  • I've had it in sushi, and smoked I think (I think it was smoked, it was definitely eel). I used to catch them all the time when fishing for flounder. I never knew about all the interesting travelling they did before I yanked them out of the water.
  • Don't get too used to chowing down on them, though. Eel populations are in steep decline all over the world.
  • monkeyfilter: they jettison their digestive systems and swim for months without eating
  • Hey, Sidie, I likes that! Eating eels is just wrong. Idaho is almost far enough away from any eels that I can relax and not worry about someone serving me up a big gelly-ishis bowl of eel slop.
  • Oh, I loved this article. I am reading Harold McGee's "On Food and Cooking - The Science and Lore of the Kitchen" right now which contains all sorts of gastronomical bits of trivia similar to this. After reading these sorts of things, it makes me wonder what other sorts of delicious foods are ignored just due to our cultural biases. Fuck, bring on the jellied, smoked, curried, and battered eels! Just the other day I was at a taco stand and ordered brain, goat, head meat and intestine tacos. Love em.
  • Actually, all tacos end up as intestine tacos.
  • Unagi is indeed delicious. So is lamproie à la Bordelaise.
  • I don't see the need to eat an eel. They're too pretty to be eaten.
  • I feel eel.
  • Um, Smallish Bear, when you smoked this eel did you use papers or a water filter? What were the effects? Did you get off?
  • I don't see the need to eat an eel. They're too pretty to be eaten. Some of the best things to eat are pretty. I've eaten plenty of pretty things.
  • I hate eels, all black and slimy-looking. But damned if smoked eel isn't the tastiest thing ever.
  • Eels, when not associated with porridge, are actually quite tasty.
  • My hovercraft is full of eels.
  • And though many of my friends swear by unagi as a finisher whenever we go eat sushi, I just don't like the texture of eel. I finish with albacore.
  • Eels? Pretty? Two concepts that I cannot reconcile ... They look like slimy, evil snakes.
  • See no eel, hear no eel, speak no eel.
  • You're all a bunch of wussies. Eels are delicious, blood sausages are delicious, sweetbreads (the thymus gland) are delicious, kidneys are delicious, hell, hot dogs (the elbows and assholes) are friggin great. Get over it. I honor and support vegetarians for their beliefs, but if you are an omnivore, at least have an open mind. Use every bit of the animal that gave it's life so you could have your happy meal.
  • UN-AGI! unagi! uuuuuu-na-gi!!!!
  • I am creeped out by the look of eels must stop reading Clive Barker, but I am curious to taste them now. We were planning on going for sushi sometime soon - I will definately try the eel. Did I mention that there are eels in the Fenlands? The monks (in Ely) used to receive thousands of pounds of eels a year in tithes.
  • The eel sushi is cooked, unlike most other sushi, which is clearly raw. Eel, squid, clam, shrimp, octopus, all cooked, at least the way I had them. The eel is the tastiest of the bunch. The rest of those I didn't like too much because I think they're tastier when prepared other ways (mmm, octopus marinara). When I had them in a sushi restaurant they seemed to be just boiled plain. The eel gets cooked in some kind of sauce and is tasty. I think eel really tastes like any other fish. We had some smoked in the fridge once and a guest ate it and swore it was whitefish. Ok I looked it up. They're fish. They're in the same class as fish, but have a different order.
  • I've seen some pretty disturbing pr0n involving eels. You might eat it, or not, if you knew where it's been...
  • The Japanese women with the eels and plastic funnel? A classic.
  • ^I've heard of a parasite fish in the tropics that swims in and hooks itself into position there, but it can enter only while the subject is actively urinating, which opens up questions of etiquette, as much as it opens up the orifice.
  • I believe you are refering to the candiru.