December 13, 2004

Behold, the Puppy Purse. It "minimizes the stresses on your body while maximizing your ability to interact with your dog or cat." BUT WAIT! You can also... "wear it like a shoulder bag or fanny pack, carry it like a purse, or use the straps as a leash."
  • The dog. has. legs. I've seen that model in pr0n.
  • Bark for the cure? No way. /hook, line, and sinker
  • Every pet should come standard with a handle and removable shoulder strap.
  • The term fanny pack always amuses me.
  • is it always the same dog because other dogs won't go near the damn thing? and where do you put your wallet/keys?
  • how demeaning. Is the inane soulless giggle included?
  • It looks astoundingly uncomfortable. And I'd love to see them try to get a cat in there!
  • I've been wondering how to carry my collie and german shepard!
  • your keys and change go, of course, INSIDE the puppy, just don't plan on buying anything (or driving, or getting back into your house) until the little bugger decides to take a dump! I'm more or a Clark Griswald kind of guy when it comes to transporting dogs....
  • It is not for puppies. It is for tiny fucking dogs that rich women tote around with them.
  • I've seen that model in pr0n. Paris Hilton? Me too. Bad lighting.
  • No, the other one.
  • Paris Hilton? Me too. Bad lighting. I think Mr. Nostril meant the dog.
  • ooops, too slow.
  • *beats HuronBob savagely about the face and neck*
  • My parents' dog once swallowed a half-carat diamond. Crapped it out Thanksgiving morning. True story.
  • With all that heat and pressure, did it turn back into a lump of coal?
  • This thread has taken a turd for the worst.
  • wurst
  • One of my cats would probably do this. But the other would just give me an incredulous look. "You want who to do what now?!"
  • petebest...i know, it was a terrible thing to say...but any conversation that involves dog transportation can ONLY lead to images of Clark.... Granted, it was a terrible, terrible thing he did, and I love dogs, but I couldn't help but fall out of my chair laughing! Of course now, because of this thread, I've substituted Paris Hilton for the dog in this image... and, 'tis now even funnier! WallyWorld anyone?
  • Yes, the Steve (half Chihuahua/half pug, 11lbs.) would squirm and growl a lot if I tried to put him in one of these. While that might be kind of funny for me, not so much for him. Also, I wonder about chafing (hee... sorry.). When I tried to use a little harness instead of a collar on the Steve, his armpits got all scraped up. /crazy dog lady
  • I can't believe no one has mentioned one for kitties: the pussy pack... /someone had to do it
  • Will it work for my malamute?
  • I tought for a second it was some kind of genetically mutated bag-dog chimera. Which I expect to see toted by rich Beverly Hills wifes in, say, 10 years?
  • That's not a dog carrier. This is a dog carrier.
  • Of course, while we're on the subject, the really cool dogs about town are all wearing Doggles. I'm so deeply tempted. My god, yes.
  • Doggles (Ahhhh what this? No like! No like! Ahhhhhhhh Why do this? No like ! No like! Off off offf No like! No like! Ahhhhhhhh) My dogs thoughts upon wearing doggles
  • Doggles: Because your dog doesn't really look enough like Bono.
  • Now this is good place to keep 'ol Sparky... At least until he's ready.
  • doggles accessories!!! Doggles Lens Cleaner PRICE: $4.99
  • Doggles: pawed off and chewed to oblivion in 10 . . 9 . . 8 . . 7 . . .
  • No, this is this season's dog accessory... /cries for humanity
  • i know people who could do with harnessed handles i believe them naturally doggled
  • Oh, Flagpole, that was excellent! :o)
  • The leash option lets one wind up overhead and let fly, sling-style. Go Doggy, Go Doggy, it's your Birthday!
  • Here are several other carriers for your dog. One is for a gentle dog, and the other can be used with a dog of uncertain temperment. Sometimes, carrying a dog can be a bit much to handle.
  • hey GramMa, is that you in the last link? hee hee. that's how i picture you!
  • The charming, economical, and yet ultimately less successful Bag O'Cat.
  • We've two dog, and one is so fat he'd probably break both the straps and your back. The other, my mom's dog, is one of those vicious Jack Russel Terriers which, upon seeing any other dog, immediately lunge for the throat. It's hard enough when he's on a leash, think how fun that would be if he were hanging down by my hip.
  • Without getting all PETA, my first two thoughts about the purse were: gosh, the poor dog, that looks so uncomfortable! and then: I suppose it's better than skinning him for a fur coat! Hauling an animal around with its legs hanging free can't be good for it. It makes me feel like the dogs really are just fashion accessories, not pets/loved companions, and worry about what will happen to them when they are no longer so chic.
  • moneyjane, is that your...oh never mind.
  • Humonga Tongue looks like fun, Flagpole, assuming the dog fetches it with the ball end (and not the tongue tip, for example) in mouth.
  • My aged dachshund, who sleeps most of the time, anyway, might tolerate this. Maybe. But she'd freeze this time of year, being short-haired, and is much better off when she is beiong carried inside my old jacket, Have a couple of small carrier which are her size, but she really prefers human contact. Now, the collie I'm positive would raise strenuous objections. And in any case, she's too large for this undignified mode of transport. She weighs 58 pounds and is an impetuous, active two and a half year old, so hauling her around in this fashion is NOT likely to be fun for either of us. I have to give this notion a big thumbs down -- I can't imagine anyone seruously using such a fool contraption on a living critter.
  • I couldn't stop myself noticing there is no opening for the dogs private parts. So if he is not castrated his balls are going to hurt a lot... My wife's chihuahua won't like it.
  • I was originally expecting something more like the Tabby Tote.
  • Every dog needs K9 Water
  • For those monkeys with mutliple pets
  • I'm frightened and I don't understand.
  • Whenever I'm frustrated, I shout "HAMMACHER SCHLEMMECHER!" I know that's not the name. I just like it. It relieves the tension.
  • Tis the season.
  • I hat humanitee.