December 10, 2004

I will be killed soon as Toshiba planned.
I want the World to ruin atrocious criminal Toshiba Corp. Of course, I hate Toshiba's HD DVD. I care even Americans and Russians yet can't realize Mind-Control by radar of satellite but Toshiba Corp could do it in 1997. [via Gizmodo]
  • Yakov Smirnoff reference in three...two...
  • I am going to the Best Western tonight where I can put my bone marrow in a jar to be mailed to Toshiba. I thank them for my life.
  • I think this is my favorite part: Crazy Harry Potter boom in the World is the same. You think Harry Potter is for child ? Harry Potter is Warner Movie and Warner Bros is Toshiba's best media partner.
  • Prepare for the mind control format war. Toshiba's You-Ray controls better but costs more, while Sony's ThetaMax is less effective, but can be fabricated in existing factories.
  • I get letters to the editor like this every damned week. My favorite was a couple weeks ago - it talked about a terrorist controlling a montgomery christian radio station, and said that a man was a terrorist electricuting [sic] women. It ended like this: Screaming shouting hollering kill kill kill innocent people That was my favoritest part!
  • The tuner on my Toshiba TV broke. Damn Toshiba crappy mind control tuners.
  • Well crap. My Toshiba Mind Control 14" is still running sweet, and I planned to upgrade to the Toshiba International Malevolence Flat Screen 20" for Christmas. What to do, what to do? On a serious note, this dude is as crazy as a rat in a coffee can and I hope he gets treated soon.
  • Well, while we're on wankshite crazy motherfuckers, have the Lesbian Studies guy. Warning: contains hate speech. Warning: contains almost everything else too. Except rationality. Not that.
  • Lesbian Studies is teh awesome. America's powerful, government financed Lesbian Mafia... I worship. Finally, a site bold enough to challenge the mighty Association of Women Radiologists!
  • I used to laugh about wacky stuff like this, and I once receieved a hand delivered package from a guy who was convinced our company would be perfect to buy his new "correct" physics to take over the world and make mad profits (Why he thought our tiny sales branch would be the appropriate office, as opposed to the corporate home office just 10 miles away, continues to escape me.). However, after the whole What's The Frequency, Kenneth episode, I view this with a more sober eye. If someone had taken crazy Dan Rather more seriously then, perhaps that NBC stagehand would still be alive today.
  • Fools. Toshiba controls the timecube. You have been educated stupid.