December 07, 2004
Have a banana. Have another.
A random generator of stylesheets. Some are interesting, others...well.
I should be working on my CSS assignment, but am instead surfing around, hoping to crib some nice styles off websites.
I think nostril means to suggest that, if you want to pass your assignment, you should look somewhere other than the banana site for ideas. Use a color picker to get a color scheme with a few complementary colors. (On that one, I like to use the colors from the analogic option with the pastel or dark pastel variation on a white or very light colored background, but you can easily experiment on your own.) The layout you use depends entirely on your content and target audience so I can't suggest anything for that.
This is a good demo of CSS. But where's a good place to learn about it? I've done all my HTML by hand since I can remember, but CSS isn't something I've tried yet.
Ooo, don't forget the CSS Zen Garden. Lots of nice stylesheets there to get the creative juices flowing.
I am teaching CSS to my students today. Here are the resources I give them. Overview:webmonkey. A little out of date, but still got the goods. layout: blueRobot, glish and the noodleincedent And my personal fav, a list apart. oh yes, w3schools (noted in previous post) is quite good too. ooh also csszengarden
I've never heard of blueRobot before now. Thanks for the link schadenfreude. You might add 456 Berea Street to your list; it has always been helpfull to me.
Thank you, guys :) I've actually got at least five or six sites to go to for guides, that our lecturer thoughtfully put up on the uni server; among them, of course, are the W3C guides and Zen Garden. I actually was using Strange Bananas to crib certain specific codes, such as the block colors around the navigation text and so on.