December 07, 2004

Inquisitive Imp: Pornography Club. Some enterprising members of my school just started a pornography club, for fun and laughs and for the promotion of openess about our disgusting barbie doll-like-bodies. I was wondering if any monkeys had any input about what sort of things we could do to promote this club to make it as inclusive and fun as possible.

For a start, I've made a bunch of posters to promote it. You can see them here: One , two (sort of NSFW but barely), three , four, revised image for 4, five , six , seven. Would it be in poor taste to probe the depths of truly repugnant pornography or should we stick to the bizarre-but-mostly inoffensive stuff? Any suggestions on hilariously bad pornography? Good snacks for such gatherings? Promotion ideas? Should we charge money? Etc?! Come on peoples!

  • Porn and fried chicken seem to go together pretty well. also please post reports about your meetings this sounds like an "interesting" idea.
  • Well, you could make your own...
  • Oh, you're going to watch porno. Okay I get it.
  • Make sure to invite a lot of faculty for your kick-off meeting.
  • Yeah, I too thought it sounded like you were getting into the making. Repugnant is going to be a judgement call according to the taste of the individual. You'll wind up with a bunch of offended people real quick once you start, er, tossing that one about. You could always get copies of Once More with Feeling and the associated film. I suspect the film is dire, but the book's fantastic. "A Clockwork Orgy" and "Midsummer Night's Cream" are pretty entertaining...
  • for the promotion of openess about our disgusting barbie doll-like-bodies. you have a barbie doll-like body? aren't you a dude, settle? i'm not sure i understand. ken-like body? or this was written from female POV? barbie doll-like female members of the club or barbie doll-like pr0nstars or something something coherence or what? essentially, you are going to get together and watch pr0n, perhaps, w/ an MST3k -style critique? and have snacks? is that right? i am reminded of an old Onion story, something to the effect of... Ironic Porn Purchase Leads to Unironic Ejaculation.
  • The faculty idea is ace.
  • I think this idea largely sells itself... I like images 1, 2, 5 and 7, by the way.
  • Vampyros Lesbos is Eurotrash softcore at its finest, unintentionally hilarious with a killer soundtrack to boot. I highly recommend it. If you're looking for fun and inclusive, please stay away from the angry hardcore violent shit. Nothing will alienate your female audience faster. As soon as people don't feel safe, it ain't fun anymore. Sorry, you probably already knew that. I like poster #5.
  • Six, I mean six. Five is nice too, but six has cheesey mustache guy.
  • However this "club" turns out, you must keep us updated. A copy of your local newspaper will do just fine.
  • Poster #6 is pure genius. Earlier this term, the campus film society here showed Deep Throat to a packed house. It was fantastic. Nothing like 300+ undergraduates giggling in unison at a cheesy, '70s dp scene. Good luck.
  • Dude, you should show "Caligula"-the Malcom version and see who gets offended! Heeehee, sorry, that was the adolescent in me talking. Posters; One, three, five and seven are all great. On five, cut a little off the top and delete that last color (just cut that whole portion out) on the bottom and that one would be my choice.
  • When I worked at a video store, women would often come in and ask for porn recommendations. Apparently, men browse while women ask for directions. Anyway, we were always supposed to recommend "Taste of Ambrosia," as it was apparently of good production values and dialogue, yet still full of hot action. Never saw it myself. Take that for what it's worth.
  • You might start with the classics: Deep Throat, Behind the Green Door, etc... which are fairly tame by today's standards and "work up" from there. So far as Deep Throat goes, you could start a nice feminist social discussion by researching her later claims to have done the movie under the influence and against her will. For some fun, try to find Cafe Flesh, done by the same guy who did the remake of Dr. Caligari. Post-apocalyptic sci-fi porn where "the war" has made most people unable to have sex, so the people who do perform for those who can't. Each sex scene is a fun social commentary skit. I've seen this in mixed company and almost everyone usually likes it. Even has a plot, of sorts...
  • I vote for poster 1. is that the Royal Pornographic Society?
  • I clicked on this thinking it was a troll. Then I started to think it was some hormonal 16 year old. Instead, I have found genius. poster8.jpg and newmountain.jpg are awesome. And is that Oscar Wilde in poster1? And I have no suggestions. Hell, just pass around nude classical art and critique that.
  • Revised poster #4 is incredible. I love it.
  • Earlier this term, the campus film society here showed Deep Throat to a packed house. It was fantastic. Yeah, especially when the star of that movie says she was forced to make it at gunpoint, locked in a basement, and wears bruises from beatings in the film itself (thus the sunglasses). Funny stuff! Remember -- porno ain't all peaches 'n' cream, folks. (No, I'm not categorically opposed to sexually explicit films -- but neither will I support this mindless uncritical cheerleading for standard stereotype-reinforcing material.
  • [insert end parens]
  • Yeah, especially when the star of that movie says she was forced to make it at gunpoint, locked in a basement, and wears bruises from beatings in the film itself (thus the sunglasses). Funny stuff! And how exactly do we know that what she said was true? Is it really out of the bounds of possibility that she later became ashamed of what she had willingly done at the time, and sought to absolve herself by claiming to have been "forced" into it? Perhaps she was just fishing for sympathy? Why does this remind me of "To Read a Mockingbird?" Fo all I know, Linda Boreman might indeed have been coerced into making deepthroat, but I refuse to take it for granted that her claims should be accepted without doubt, and nothing sends my bullshit-o-meter over the scale like sentences about "standard stereotype-reinforcing material", which sounds to me very much like ye olde "Women are naturally virtuous and asexual" trope. Without corroborating third-party evidence, Boreman's claims amount to nothing more than a "he said, she said" type of accusation, and her own deceitfulness about her past exploits in zoophilia (referenced in the very Wikipedia page you link to) gives me no reason to believe that she was an individual of impeccable honesty.
  • The important thing is that we immediately doubt and brand as a liar any woman who claims to have suffered from the production of material than so many men worship so uncritically. I also appreciate how -- instead of asking me to clarify my point about stereotype-reinforcing material -- you just lump me into the boring, tired binary structure of puritan vs. "libertarian" categories of this discussion. Kids -- try new NonThink
  • Here's a project for your club: put on a production of Debbie Does Dallas which is now on tour.
  • Can I get some kinda overseas associate membership? I really wanna put this on my CV.
  • Find 1 and 7 the most interesting.
  • From the Lizzy Borden/Janet Romero interview: Would you consider yourself a feminist? No. I'm not for a woman's rights. I am old school, where I think, when I have my baby I'm going to be home taking care of it. I'm just making a life for myself and happy, making good money. I used to be exploited when I did movies. So if someone's going to do it, I might as well. I used to be a slave with a terrible master. Now that I'm free and have money, I own a bunch myself. Treat 'em pretty well except for beating the fuck out of 'em to get 'em to work better. Jesus H. Christ. Misogyny begins at home.
  • Caligula? Tame, very tame. Try Pasolini's SALO for a truly rocking sick time. Come for the sex, stay for the Circle of Shit!
  • DO NOT show Let My Puppets Cum by the director of Deep Throat. Let's just say there's a reason they're using muppets. Beeswacky: seven is from here.
  • Do you just want campy porn? Why should Barbie doll shaped women be disgusted with their bodies any more than a fat person? What good does it do anybody?
  • Actually, there is a lot of discourse out there about porn, whether talking about the structure of the films themselves or the societal implications. Is your club going to be academic at all? If so, I recommend pretty much anything by Chris Straayer, specifically Devient Eyes, Devient Bodies. I took a class on pornography from her and it was very good. Additionally, Toby Miller's Sportsex takes a more social prospective on mostly queer erotica (although I think it's also a valid point for heterosexual erotica) and why certain images provoke certain reactions. Hmm, maybe I'm just way overpromoting my teachers... and I'm not even in school anymore. I also wrote a paper on porn (well, on the body genres, which includes porn) if you want a post-modern perspective... Of course, if you just want to watch porn movies, party on and pass the chicken.
  • For snacks, I guess you should eat bananas and hot dogs, and, uh, clams I guess.
  • FedoraUndershirt: I've seen it. It manages to be both wrong and boring.
  • If you feel like having a laugh after deconstructing some campy porn, you should definitely try Porn Karaoke. Mute some soft-core movie and have some of the witty members of the audience dub a new dialogue. People will be rolling down on the floor (laughing, of course).
  • Apropos of little (emphasis on "little") I give you the master thespian Luis De Jesus, an actor whose range towered over his 4' 3" frame. Want proof? Aside from turns in such mainstream hits as Under the Rainbow and Return of the Jedi, the dazzling dwarf is legendary in horror circles as the demented assistant Ralphus in Bloodsucking Freaks, and in thread-related fare such as Let My Puppets Come (Mr. Big), Merry X, Miss (Sid the Elf), and his blockbuster film debut, The Anal Dwarf. Look on his works, ye mighty, and despair. That's right. One of the Ewoks is the Anal Dwarf. Don't ask me how I learned all this.
  • Don't know much about porn, but revised poster #4 is just awesome.
  • I may not know porn, but I know what I like. Okay, I know porn. And I like anal Ewoks.
  • There's always Ed Wood's phenomenal rereleased classic porn. Not that I've seen any of them, but they might be fun if you imagine Johnny Depp in angora directing.
  • Gets paint to make a mural of #7. With oils. So it stays wet longer.
  • "The important thing is that we immediately doubt and brand as a liar any woman who claims to have suffered from the production of material than so many men worship so uncritically." Yeah, sure, whatever. I'm supposed to buy into someone's claim simply because she falls into an Oppressed Class™, despite the fact that the person in question offers no corroborating evidence, despite the fact that she's been caught out lying on other matters, despite the fact that no one who worked with her seems to have been willing to confirm her story, and despite the fact that said story changes significantly between the first and fourth editions of her memoirs. Nope, no reason for doubt there whatsoever. I call this guilt-tripping-of-sceptics maneuvre you're trying to pull the "Rigoberta Menchu" trick, and I for one refuse to fall for it. Anyone can claim anything whatsoever years after the event, and from what I know of human suggestibility - e.g. the "recovered memory" movement, or the extent to which witnesses can be goaded into "remembering" things that never were - there is absolutely ZERO reason for me to suspend all scepticism, NONE whatsoever. The onus is on those with extraordinary claims to substantiate their assertions, and Boreman's claims were indeed extraordinary, with not an iota of third-party evidence to back them up. Your "vulnerable woman" claptrap is just that, a load of rubbish, and YOU are the woman who is guilty of worshipping uncritically a false notion that porn is "exploitative" and therefore EEEVIIILL!!
  • 1. I'm a man. 2. You're being a dunce by rejecting the possibility of rational dialogue. 3. Thank you for not stealing my Sarcasm Tactics™.
  • I count myself as a pro-porn woman. (with some limits. I can't get into porn (or soap operas or romance novels...etc) that depict rape as a non-horrifying thing)I'd soooo join the club. Sounds like great fun. Make sure you bring chicken. However, discounting Boreman's claims just because no one she worked with will back her up strikes me as unsound. Of course they're not going to back her up. If what she said is true, her co-workers would have either directly participated in her abuse or stood idly by and allowed it to happen. Who wants to admit to that? Too many women are immediately discounted when they claim abuse. While there are false claims, it does more harm than good to automatically assume claims are false simply because some women lied.
  • I really liked this: Marie and Jack: A Hardcore Love Story It's a porn with a breif documentary begining about these two pornstars who have the sanest marriage I've ever seen. The sex is pretty hot, but its worthwhile as a documentary. There's video on the site. Apparently their next release is another couple but more hardcore.
  • Oh, and, uh, NSFW :)
  • "SALO" is a bit too dark and depressing. "Caligula" is merely perverted. Besides, I'd rather watch a cum-bath over shit-eating any day.
  • Right, if anyone makes a tagline out of THAT I'm totally fucking leaving.
  • A group of friends used to gather every Tuesday morning for bad pizza and campy porn. The most hilarious one of the bunch was something called "Hot Nazis." It seriously looks like a bunch of college kids found grandpa's WW II memorabilia and decided to use it all as props in a bad porn filmed in someone's basement. Every one of us is quite sure, and will swear to the diety of your choice, that during one angled shot, someone's mom was in the background, wearing and apron and standing in the classic, "Just what do you think you're all doing?" Mom pose. The whole thing is intercut with images of two men having what one of my friends referred to as a sword fight, but with penises instead of steel. And the only sound throughout is awful polka music. A close second in hilarity was "Southern Belles," which featured four women in someone's idea of old South plantation manor women's clothing. The movie was nothing but scenes of the four of them masturbating with what we guess was supposed to be a dreamy, far-away look in their eyes. What it looked like to us was boredom. But some genius had overdubbed voices from two men and two women, making comments about the thing. It took us a moment to realize what was going on, but we eventually realized that if it was being shown in a theater, it would sound like two couples somewhere in the rows behind you making comments about the action, or lack thereof, on the screen. The running dialog made the flick. If you can find these two gems, I recommend them for the club.
  • Monkeyfilter: I'm totally fucking leaving.
  • While I'm thinking about it, I'd also recommend Friday the Thirteenth: A Nude Beginning. Also, Barbara the Barbarian, the movie that added the "Sumerian Pict-Wiggle (sex to the death!)" to the lexicons of a number of the people I know.
  • Good choice, Mr. Knickerbocker.
  • We'd like a status report, ActuallySettle.