December 06, 2004

"...and discover that the latest images of the stars confirm an all powerful Creator, not a random bang!" The Creation Museum. Look at all those lovely dinosaurs... lovely. Via those BoingBoing heathens.

Anyone can put up some display of their faith's iconography freely, OK. But passing it as scientific fact? And who knew Eve looked like Julia Roberts?

  • This is NOT the best of the we...shit wrong site. How many "haha creationists are teh stupid" fpp's do we need? They're ignorant, dumb, uneducated, blind, mindless, gullible, we get it.
  • as many "Evolutionists are wrong" web sites there are out there... I love reading this shit. O, an smalish, just bcuz I beleev in evolooshun, dosn't mayk me anee les dum, unedukated, blind, mindles, or gulibel then neone els. Como esta el YAYYYYYY!!!111!!!!11 :)
  • NOTE: Visitors can view the museum property from behind the fence. Wow, anyone else rushing to see this?
  • The "Arguments Creationists Shouldn't Use" is worthy of a post in its own right.
  • I agree with smallish bear's sentiment about all of the FPPs about creationists. However, this museum is especially unique and of a large scale. I feel that it is a good post. The ones that I think we might want to exercise some discretion on are the links to some comments some lone nut or harmless small group of people made. But when the government is trying to impose its religious beliefs on us, then it is a very relevant post. And when there is something as large scale as this, I think it's okay, too. I am such a wussy compromisor sometimes.
  • ‘The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics began at the Fall’. This law says that the entropy (‘disorder’) of the Universe increases over time, and some have thought that this was the result of the Curse. not...TEH CURSE OF EVE!!1! This is ridiculous; do some evangelicals actually describe the Fall as resulting in a Curse, also? Rely on a religious website promoting a bizarre world-view to completely misstate accepted facts, even when they're employed to disencourage arguments its fans might make.
  • I dig the T. Rex giving thumbs up to the Bible here. I'd like to hear some of the explanations, though.
  • It makes sense that entropy would be a result of the fall. Because of our disobediance, we lost the perfection of the Garden and the chance for ever lasting life - that sounds like entropy.
  • The "Arguments Creationists Shouldn't Use" is worthy of a post in its own right. Man, some great stuff there. Many paragraphs start out sounding like just good common sense, logic and science, then end up with something like, "But since we know that all earth languages developed spontaneously at the Tower of Babel, this cannot possibly be true." I made that last one up, but still, it's in the proper spirit.
  • Tenacious, the explaination is that evidence that doesn't support their conclusion is the work of the devil.
  • All quotes are, well, just taken from the site. Besides my quip at Eve's rendition (marred by a stray chracter on the URL... oh great), I didn't express anything more judgemental than the question about the validity of a religious dogma displayed as scientific fact. Best of the web? Of course not. Cheap fun for 'liberals', mocking religion? I guess we're past that. I posted this out of utter amazement, of concern if you will, at all the strange happenings in the USA. Not living there, but having experienced their open mindness first hand, both with people and environments, these litle things regarding inroads of religious aspect on education and such, really catch my eye. Perhaps it's just non-USA 'liberal media' twitching and focusing on some of the worst aspects; don't know. I've commented this with people on other boards, and while they say teocratic rule isn't likely anytime soon, still they can't help but accept some worrying trends. Even while the 'frog in boiling water' metaphor is a hoax, I guess this applies here.
  • Oh, yeah, and this from the "arguments" page: [argument not to use]‘There is amazing modern scientific insight in the Bible.’ [why not] We should interpret the Bible as the author originally intended, and as the intended readership would have understood it. Ummmm, so why this site at all?
  • "...I've commented this with people living in the USA on other boards..." Crap. Stiff fingers today.
  • I get pretty bored with the newsfilterish creationist posts, because there's usually nothing to discuss there other than "THIS IS BAD" "YES I AGREE THIS IS BAD" "HEY IT'S NOT JUST BAD YOU FORGOT STUPID TOO". This? Stuff to discuss. The Creation Museum will show how the science of paleontology, when used with the correct biblical starting points, confirms the history recorded in the Bible concerning dinosaurs. Anybody else reminded of the story Richard Feynman told, about the painter who said he could make yellow paint by mixing red and white paint together? Feynman doesn't believe him, but he's intrigued. So painter guy mixes the two together, spends ages, delicately adjusting the amounts, all the time creating nothing but a pale pinkish colour. Finally he's done. "But that's not yellow, it's pink," says Feynamn. "Yeah, well," the painter replies, "I ususally add in a little bit of yellow just to sharpen it up."
  • I vote for the continued ridicule of creationists. Not poking fun at their dopey contrivances allows them to flourish. Do you think they have message boards where they make fun of silly Darwinists? And do they worry about making fun of them?
  • Walk through the ark before and during the Flood. Not only will you learn answers, but you’ll experience the historical accuracy of the Flood and life on the Ark. yay! walk through the historical accuracy of the flood and the ark! i envision it as an empty room with a sign saying "nothing to see here folks, move along..." really, these posts need to be posted. why? because the more science takes a hit from these closed-minded fools, the worse it's going to get in the next generation. these are the people challenging evolution and science in the schools, and they decide what your kids will be taught. this sucks.
  • My problem with the Creationists (apart from their being utterly mental) is their lack of respect, or even knowledge of, the deep intellectual traditions of their own faith. Religious scholars have been pondering these stories since before Augustine, and the Fall, for example, has always been taken as a metaphor, or at any rate deeply symbolic. This isn't fundamentalism we're seeing today, but a dimwitted literalism. But I think that same dimwitted literalism has spread to their critics, and this is beginning to annoy me. smallish bear is right: enough already. At least with the lowest common denominator response to this stuff. There's certainly no more intellectual rigour than they have to be found in the usual chortling about how, say, Christians believe all think the world began in 4000 BC, or repeatedly pointing out that if Christians believe that gays are evil then they also have to follow all of the other laws in the Old Testament, when even a little reading will tell you that both these things aren't true either. (Only about three people ever believed the 4000 BC thing, and they were roundly mocked at the time - even the Vatican rejects that view - and one of the key tenets of the early Christian church was the seperation of itself from Judaism. I forget which letter it was, but Paul basically decreed that the old judaic laws were no longer necessary. A very important move on his part, as he had non-Jews wanting to convert to Christianity without having to become Jews first. Hence the lack of compulsory circumcision, amongst other things.) My point, longwindedly reached, is that these people are *mental*, and can't be argued against in any way because of that fact. But they don't have the monopoly when it comes to misunderstanding the subject in public. Poking fun at them won't change their minds, and the tools used to do so just belittle ourselves. If you're worried about their influence in schools or public life, use the law courts and your democracy, but don't think that taking the piss will actually change people's minds.
  • Dear me, my grammar is terrible. apologies.
  • That "arguments creationists should NOT use" page is awesome. I don't get this part: ‘Gold chains have been found in coal.’ Several artefacts, including gold objects, have been documented as having been found within coal, but in each case the coal is no longer associated with the artefact. The evidence is therefore strictly anecdotal (e.g. ‘This object was left behind in the fireplace after a lump of coal was burned’). This does not have the same evidential value as having a specimen with the coal and the artefact still associated. What is he talking about? I've never heard any gold and coal arguments from any side, and I can't concoct one for either side, niether.
  • is there any way we can have a post about creationists auctioning something stupid on Ebay? And could that thing somehow tie in with Bush being dumb?
  • It's pretty obvious (to me, at least, based upon the number of comments "check out the creationists" FPPs generate) that a significant chunk of monkeys are interested in checking out and commenting on these posts. Rather than turning every one of these posts into a debate on its FPP-worthiness, I wonder if folks who don't appreciate these posts can just ignore them, rather than calling out their so-called "stoopidity." Believe me, there are lots of FPP types or genres that you may find interesting that others think are boring or worse, but decide to move right on past rather than criticizing. In the end, I think, we all "vote" on the validity of a given type of post by how many comments we make in that type of post's threads.
  • Mockery, continued mockery, unending mockery, is the only way to fight this stupidity, folks. Just ignoring them and hoping they will go away or miraculously become smarter (like the transubstantiation of the host) will not work. In order for young folks just coming up the ladder who perhaps have not been exposed to the cynicism & scientific skeptical bent that we old farts have to learn the stupidity and not be 'sucked in', we must continue to mock, mock, mock the religiod nutcases. Just not as frequently as every other day. Once a week will do. Sunday. Or Saturday, for the 7th Day Adventists.
  • Mr. Knickerbocker I have to agree. Gold chains in lumps of coal? Can't even think of anything smarmy for that.
  • Remember this when you're all burning in Hell! /quidnunc_channeling //secretly_f8xmulder_channeling_himself ///too_meta_for_mofi
  • Mockery, continued mockery, unending mockery, is the only way to fight this stupidity, folks. Just ignoring them and hoping they will go away or miraculously become smarter (like the transubstantiation of the host) will not work. In order for young folks just coming up the ladder who perhaps have not been exposed to the cynicism & scientific skeptical bent that we old farts have to learn the stupidity and not be 'sucked in', we must continue to mock, mock, mock the religiod nutcases. ok fine. i'll do it for the kids. even in my catholic school, they taught us evolution! they taught us that the bible is metaphorical, and that god could have created humans through evolution. they were never so stupid as to say that evolution is wrong. you would have to be beyond mindless, beyond ignorant to think that.
  • But Catholics are idolaters and the Servants of Satan, smallish bear. Or don't you read Jack T. Chick? ;)
  • smallish bear is a commie.
  • Surely he was just carrying out the Big Guy's instructions?
  • See if gold chains were found in the middle of lumps of coal, it would prove human beings were around before the coal was formed, and therefore that the earth is not as old as all that, and that fossil creatures like dinosaurs were around at the same time as homo sap. You are still there, aren't you, Mr Knickerbocker?
  • in a T-shirt brandishing the site's sexually suggestive logo T. Shirts. Can't. BRANDISH!
  • You need a hoodie for that.
  • Well, there goes forgiveness for Adam. History repeats itself.
  • > T. Shirts. Can't. BRANDISH! The arms are too stumpy?
  • Can we just not GETOVERITALREADY????