December 06, 2004

Calling Inspector Clouseau! French airport security put 150 grams of explosives in a passenger's bag to see if the dog could find it. He did. But I guess while they were all congradulating themselves, petting the dog and giving him treats, the bag gets away and no one know where it is. Good doggie!
  • The deaug found a beaumb?
  • Hmmmm...I see a really bad Ex-Lax joke forming in net-space...
  • The funny part of the story that they didn't make clear was that they didn't use a decoy suitcase, they used a real passenger's suitcase.
  • He's not my deaug
  • Well, hopefully they won't start testing this with drugs... "I swear to you, I have no idea how that dust-filled condom got in my rectum..."
  • Do you have a liSAUNce for that minkey?
  • I want a mesSAGE frem YEW!
  • Wouldn't be so amusing if it had been drugs. On a flight to Singapore or Malaysia. Mandatory death sentence for the passenger.
  • Well, why don't they use the dog to find it? That's what it's there for.
  • The plastic explosives could be anywhere in the world, police say. I'm no cop, but my intuition says "not likely."