December 02, 2004

America: #$@@ Yeah. Now this is something everyone can get behind, 'cause it brings the best of the best OF THE BEST together. Whip out your oversized foam fingers, your remote, and your Olestra Pringles. This is what democracy looks like. Take that, terrorists!
  • When the U.S. rolled into Afghanistan there was an HTML page that had this same flair, packed with so much patriotic stuff, "boot in your ass", etc, it nearly crashed my browser. All I remember is some eagle at the top of the page with "let's roll" or some such. Does anyone remember where this was? It was posted on MeFi but I can't find the link.
  • oh my
  • That terrorist cat had it coming.
  • I don't suppose tehre are many people who don't know already that the song is from team america world police. i think the video is probably original.
  • Except speed-readers who can see that Trey Parker wrote the music (during the credit sequence. who says that IP thieves are honorless?) I love it when nobody says 'fuck yeah' to books. Luddites! or something...
  • I don't suppose tehre are many people who don't know already that the song is from team america world police. Yes, thus the "take that, terrorists" line in the FPP. The video is new, the words are an old American ballad.
  • The Grapes of Wrath: Fuck yeah!
  • hmm. i can't get it to load, and i'm on a T1 line.