December 01, 2004

Rock on, Rock ON! How's your balance? Or balancing even? Either way, I'll wager it's not as good as Bill Dan's. However he is willing, it seems, to teach his skills to us mere mortals.

Slightly naff DHTML on the front page, and there's a link to a 'Netscape version', which makes me slightly nervous for the Firefox crew, but see how you go. Also, there's some embedded Quick Time involved, but mostly it's just images. via Pixelsurgeon

  • We've got people on acid mysterious rock balancers in Vancouver that come in the night and balance stones at English bay.
  • There used to be a spot on the east coast of the South Island here where one person made some balancing rock art, and suddenly it was the newest tourist meme: everyone would stop and create their own. Eventually the Transit Authority put up a sign as it became a full-on attraction. Then it got lame because people would stick one rock on top of another and call it as good as the original, and no good art was left, and the sign came down again. Best balancing rock art dude is in Sausalito. It could be the same guy as in this website though; maybe he's migrated over the bridge since I was there last.