November 29, 2004
This guy is angry....
Disclaimer: I have no idea what this is all about, but a friend sent me the link, and I figured the obvious thing to do was to share it with you monkeys...I apologize for any offensive content...enjoy (?)
Music by apeonaut, who is a Monkeyfilter fave, I note.
This site is insane. /bookmark
Customers who bought this item also bought these items: superbad redsmoke
I've heard about this but hadn't ever actually visited. Awesome.
i like the AT-AT. it's funny. it made me laugh. the random nature of the website means i'll probably never be able to find it again. )
That's what you get when you fuck with the FORCE.
Cool link, thanks.
A black hitler? Oh great, someone has been playing with the illuminati time machine again...
Corey? is that you?
Here's an index for people looking for their favorites. colt-fortychrist robot minghead mindchoc biological_mingus big-hand zods_cookhouse vanderbeek mooonbeam atomic_malfunction raketemensch mingbrains doctor-breakfast breakfastchimp mingdows roscoe stswithinsday rickles tiny-cars winners touch_ming picardo chicken monument ebum sexymeats shitming weloveyou aboutus
continued... sven assmaster diddy primate-payload sponsors chefs repetitive 2nd-place nimbus nixon concert allkids ass_vs_gay atat batman black_hitler bongo bush cd_ming eat_shit gaylord hippy hooray horror hovercraft internet cocktail klan knickers manmeat march
one more after this... metal mindbeam mingcorp plop podium prague skeleton thats_my_ming uuh vanilla wrong database something hole_hockey mwahahaha ask axis bombs cheeseburger command convenience crab europe smoke fernando fucking_superstar gangs garofaland horn_of_plenty hotdog house
last one... jesi jetpack kid_robot king ladies luck mandela marx matrix mickey moment moonpods mysterious nobel pinhead pink quit recruitment religion republic skull spaceman suck_off supermu tard_army teeth toot wheelchair why enough team_stupid stupid_island
I am in love.