November 27, 2004

I can't stop laughing at this.
  • Without being able to read it, I'm not sure if we should be laughing... anyone want to clue us in on what the page says?
  • Yeah I'm confused too. what's going on here?
  • This is an Iranian Army unit, isn't it? I remember reading about this, but my memory on the subject is very vague.
  • His name IS undertaker so laughing would be appropo
  • You don't want to laugh at a ninja. They can't take a joke.
  • Laughing on the other side of what's left of your face when they've done with you. Chicks Who Love Guns - God is Great Gone Wild in video stores near you soon!
  • It's not funny.
  • I guess it's what we'll be facing when we invade Iran?
  • the text doesn't provide any information about the pictures, just the agency they came from. It's not funny. But, know that in Iran there is a mandatory 2 year conscription of all men into the army so most of the people in it didn't actually choose to be. As for these women, I hesitate to say that they aren't hardliners... but I just don't know.
  • Huh?
  • ha ha ha ha ... guns ... ha ha ha ha
  • We've been hoodwinked!
  • I call shenanigans!
  • It's like nuns with guns but without the context that actually makes it ironic, I think perhaps that was the conneciton.
  • Amir Kholoosi is credited with many photos for ISNA, but my Google-fu isn't strong enough to discover more info about these pics. But I couldn't start laughing, although the ill-fitting gloves and red flowers and the attentive faces made me wonder what the was going on here.
  • A couple of those chicks gave me wood.
  • OMG teh muslims are FUNNAY!!!1!! there clothes are crazy lol!!1!! Here's more of teh muslims being funnay. It's a picture from the late 90s of a woman's Islamic militia formed by the government of Sudan. OMG that turned out ++funnay to, didn't it ROFLMAO!!!
  • I surrender, already.
  • Maybe it's the geek in me but i found more humour in the scroll bar being on the left.
  • خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران - تهران BWHAAAAAAAAA HAHAHA!!!! now THAT'S funny.
  • I am an American...I judge their faces, not their guns...
  • I asked a iranian friend but she can't read it. She's going to ask her mom about it. She said 'it's probably either 1. a group protesting that they want to (as girls) be allowed to fight too' or 2. a nurse or medical team within the military' If I get an answer I'll post it here. I found an online translator for farsi but at best I got the word 'grumble' and the rest didn't make any sense at all. ie:خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران - تهران becomes, 'Khbrgzaurydaunshjvyaun Iran Thraun'
  • ::looks for the irony............. nope ::
  • The irony is the headscarves. It's damn cold here too. Brrr. The nuns will shoot some people at church, non?