November 27, 2004

Um...George, XYZ....
  • *giggle*
  • Perfect. Thanks!
  • That's my bush!
  • Putin knows for sure. Look at him, he's chuckling inside. What's Russian for "I'm not telling that idiot his fly is down during a photo-op"..?
  • He's coming to visit my part of the Great White North next week. I'm a-gonna save up nanner peels for him, yep, yep, yep. They go further afield if ye wrap them around eggs, mind.
  • Sponge Bush Spoogepants
  • Singapore's PM looks like he knows what's up too (or what's not up).
  • He really does seem chimpanzee-like
  • Biggles Flies Undone
  • Heh, Chimpy mcZipper
  • These people run the planet. We are all doomed.
  • Thank God it wasn't Cheney. He'd have had someone's eye out.
  • Nonsense, flashboy - then they could have had a limbo contest.
  • All I know is - SAVE THAT PICTURE! Once they pull it down, you know you'll never see it again! (The picture I mean, I do see the obvious pun).
  • Where were his 'handlers' ?
  • I would almost expect him to be doing it deliberately.
  • christ. once again, overseas monkeys, let me apologize for my country's fearless leader, who is, in fact, a big doofus.
  • A big doofus leading a frightened and powerful country...o why am I not reassured?
  • I know I'm not, beeswacky.
  • I think Koizumi is halfway between amusement and disbelief, too.
  • Once again, American monkeys, let me apologise that the little bald prick on the right forgot to zip George up after an oral briefing.