November 25, 2004

Curious George: What are you thankful for?

I'm thankful for my incredible son that was born 9 mos ago, and my wife who carried him into this world. I'm thankful for all of the people (students and faculty) that create an amazing educational and healing environment at my school. I'm thankful for having meals to eat everyday and a roof overhead. I'm thankful for living in a blue state. I'm thankful for Tracicle and MoFi

  • Beer. Among other things.
  • Thank you for fish in the sea Thank you for all that be Who knows this one?
  • My girlfriend, who has helped me get my shit in order this year. Thanks, babe.
  • For the love of God, I'd be thankful if people put "Curious George something something", NOT just "Curious George" in that kind of post.
  • (in the title, that is.. do it for the children/sidebar)
  • I'm thankful for four specific moments in my life, when I was, for lack of a better word, happy. Blissfully, oblivously, stupidly happy.
  • /takes notice of date However, my gratitude doesn't involve stuffing a turkey. No offense, no judgement, it's just due to my geographical location.
  • Thanks, Sky God, for the lessons you've given me. And thanks also for the $100,000 in that stupid moment when I bought that lottery ticket. I promose to spend the lucre foolishly. You're the greatest!
  • IANA (I Am Not American) But i'm thankful for my mum. And my dad. My brothers, too. I'm thankful that my family is happy and I have a roof over my head and an income that supports me. I'm thankful for music and laughter, good tv and a free press. I'm thankful for my friends (and that includes every single monkey here) I'm thankful for my housemates, who look out for me - and I for them. I'm just thankful, i guess. Luff yas all.
  • Dad. He's the best ever. And everything I have: friends, a chance to study in UK, working limbs (not kidding here! Broke my leg once and I'm glad I can walk normally), health, friends, being able to read... and lots of other stuff. And you guys. Especially Monkeybashi :)
  • Richer: I tried that, but then it required me to put information in the link description. I did not want to ask people what they are thankful for twice, so I took it off of the title, and moved it there. Let me add, I am thankful that MoFi is a relatively snark-free zone.
  • My health, my wife, living in the greatest country in the world, seeing Keith Moon play live (twice) In preview, like zanshin said, 99 44/100ths pure Snark-free MoFi
  • IANA, but in the spirit, thankful for being curious, thankful for the internet, thankful for animals, thankful for friends, thankful for the changes in outlook and priorities in the past year, and thankful for a place such as this that makes me think about all of the above on a daily basis.
  • All the standard stuff: the wife, the kids, good health, fulfilling work, good friends, etc. And also the wonderful internets, for without them, we would not have whimsical things like The Top 10 My Little Ponies Of All Time! Sample quote:
    I loved Rosey Posey. She was a handy pony 'cause her head came off really easy and it made for a handy place to hide lip balm. Whenever my lips got chapped, I'd just snap off ol' Rosey's head and keep my lips fresh and clean (they'd often get chapped from licking lollipop too much). I once asked Rosey Posey to marry me, but she didn't answer. I took her silence as a "Yes", however, and we had a quiet ceremony in my room with the whole Rainbow Brite and Strawberry Shortcake village in attendance. I was certainly as surprised as anyone when Purple Pieman put on his priest garb and married us officially. I love you Rosey Posey!
  • I'm thankful that I don't live under the kind of hellish conditions that people in Iraq do.
  • Where to start? It's been a good year, or two years, or five years even. I'm thankful for my wonderful, supportive, funny and clever husband, known to all as #2. I'm thankful for my son who gets funnier and cooler every day, and still seems to like me. I'm thankful for my and Michael's families and the support we get from them. Um, friends, of course. Monkeys, obviously - that goes without saying, and the tolerance, friendship and respect we show each other here. I'm thankful to whoever invented the modern sewage system, sliced bread, flight, Playstation, and indoor heating. And to the genius who came up with televised sports. And to be in New Zealand where I can hide under a rock from the politics of the real world. And for Gene Kelly. And kids' TV for saving my sanity occasionally. Last but not least, I'm thankful for the Internet.
  • zanshin: I understand. A solution for a next time, is there's one, is to put only the '?' in the description.
  • I'm thankful that I'm a British cynic who won't be drawn on what he's really thankful for. Can't we talk about kittens some more?
  • I'm thankful for kittens. Hundreds of fuzzy, pokey-clawed, smelling-like-gingerbread kittens, godammit!
  • The music. The songs I'm singing. I'm thankful for all the joy they're bringing. In all honesty, I would have to ask - who can live without it? What would life be? Without a song (or a dance), what are we? So, yes; I say thank you for the music. For giving it to me.
  • Phew, thanks, Money-J...
  • So, yes; I say thank you for the music. You know, there are actual musicians on this board. You cnut.
  • I'm thankful for Tristram Shandy. I like to keep a copy handy.
  • Cnut?
  • I am thankful for my beautiful children. I am thankful I am not starving in the streets. I am thankful my husband is my best friend. I am thankful for open roads and the wind in my hair when I go for a ride on the bike. I thankful for Mofi and all the monkeys who hang out here, especially #1 & #2. I am thankful for smores candy bars and books written by Terry Pratchett.
  • Wolof: I did an all-ABBA concert with the gay men's chorus I direct around a year and a half ago. And believe it or not, it was totally rad (although the excellent arrangements helped).
  • take a chance take a chance take a chance chance take a chance AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH /CAT TOWN
  • Why the fuck should I be thankful for anything?
  • this question has just turned up on the green, BTW...
  • Can someone please move it, then? I'm trying to fucking putt! Sounded good in my head...
  • This has undoubtedly been the worst year of my life to date. And yet... 1. I have all my limbs. 2. My (probably-soon-to-be-ex) wife underwent major surgery in September that was wildly successful and will clear up some longstanding health problems. 3. I've gone back to my rock roots and am playing in a band again for the first time in years (and a reasonably well-regarded one at that). 4. Although I've had a couple of career setbacks, I still have a sweet part-time choral conducting gig that is very rewarding. 5. MoFi's pretty rad too. Tomorrow is my MoFi birthday.
  • the_bone is cool.
  • I'm thankful for all that I have, including cats, solid friendships, opportunities, education, material possessions, luck. I'm also thankful that I know enough to be thankful for these things instead of complaining about things I don't have. And beer...
  • I am quite thankful for October Thanksgiving Yet one more quirk of this fine place I'm living.
  • I'm thankful for my spouse, our families, his landing a good job, and our surviving the cross-country move earlier this year. I'm thankful that I have food in my fridge and a roof over my head and generally good health and insurance to get me the medical treatment I need. I'm thankful for friends and net.friends (including monkeys). I'm thankful that I'm from Texas, even when I want to knock my homies upside the head for some of their stupid doings. And as bibliochick said, thankful to know that I should be thankful rather than bitching about what I don't have.
  • 6 1/2 years ago a wonderful girl came into my life. I am thankful for every second we spend together. She has kept me reasonably sane and full of smiles. My family is awesome (as usual), my frienships are as strong as ever, I have a great new pad & I enjoy my work. I am truly a fortunate man. Pass the turducken.
  • Monkeys!
  • I'm going to go with the crabs at Sam Wo's and Tracey's face.
  • Ah, turducken. I'd forgotten about you. *hurp* My wife. My really old house and the eighty-seven improvements I still haven't finished. My overalls, which I put on this morning so I could finish staining some furniture. My outdoor fireplace, which helps keep me warm when I'm working outside. A good, solid pair of boots. Tylenol. Light beer (I'm growing handles, and it's better than nothing). The smell of the pumpkin bread that's baking in our kitchen. Wool socks. Good books. My parents. Their dog, who they put to sleep on Monday (we got her when I was in high school). Random fuckbrained silliness. Glass art. My wedding ring, which is actually made from my parents' original wedding rings. You guys. All of you, even (maybe, in a certain sense, especially) the ones who occasionally piss me off. Definitely Tracy and #2 and the little Hobbits, or Hobbitlets, as I like to think of them. Thank you for this place.
  • (although the excellent arrangements helped) Not easy music to play, ABBA. And I'd like to thank Argh for sending me 4 totally excellent t-shirts right before summer.
  • 3. I've gone back to my rock roots and am playing in a band again for the first time in years (and a reasonably well-regarded one at that) Rock on, bonio!
  • Tomorrow is my MoFi birthday. Mine too! And I'm thankful for opportunities. It seems so many people don't have them, so I make the best of the ones I have.
  • IANA, but I live there. What they said ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ plus the ability to beat myself off. That's gotta rank really high on the 'I'm thankful" list.
  • Take a knee everyone. Klepton has spoken the truth.
  • I'm thankful that the spring will come and the days will be longer. I'm grateful that I have a nice house to take care of and obligations to meet, and I can do it. Plus, my car's still out front and my daughter's not pregnant. It's the little things that are the best sometimes. Best wishes to all of you wonderful people!
  • Happy Thanksgiving to all the murcan monkeys! *gobble gobble* *ooook ooook*
  • I'm thankful that I don't live under the kind of hellish conditions that people in Iraq in any war zone do. Homunculus, you said it. Makes you think, doesn't it? The luck of the draw. I'm thankful for all the big things: family, health, friends, love, a home, and all the little things too: the nearly full moon and rain tonight; my 'tinky dog snoring under the desk; turkey and dressing I didn't have to cook, punkin pie, ditto; a cup of hot tea; later, the promise of a hot shower and the electric blanket warming the bed. We're fortunate people, we Monkeys. And taglines. Thank you, God, for all the taglines. Monkeyfilter: Beer. Among other things. Monkeyfilter: Blissfully, oblivously, stupidly happy Monkeyfilter: You Cnut. Monkeyfilter: I'm trying to fucking putt! Monkeyfilter: Pass the turducken.
  • Well I'll be, it's my MoFi birthday too! It's been a year already? I really don't notice the passage of time anymore.
  • That's because you've been slowly merging with the internets over the past year. By next Thanksgiving you will be omniscient. And know a lot about bukkake.
  • i'm oh-so thankful for having *finally* reunited with my soulmate, who has allowed me to experience and thus comprehend true, heart-pounding, soul-shaking, brain-exploding, cell-shuddering passion.
  • OH MY GOD today is my mofi birthday! happy mofiday to me, monkey #41!!!! (does happy monkey dance)
  • I am so very afraid to click that.
  • MonkeyFilter: I am so very afraid to click that.
  • I'm thankful that this year is over. Like the_bone, it's been a rough, rough year. But, I'm thankful that 1. My dad lived through his health problems (even if my grandmother and cousin did not) 2. I have a great family (mostly!) 3. I'm doing exactly what I want to do (even if it's hard) 4. I'm in good health 5. monkeyfilter (and all the awesome monkeys) --mostly, my mom and I are hoping that living (somewhat) gracefully through this year has earned us some good karma, and that the next couple of years will be peaceful and good.
  • My mother died 17 years ago, the week before Thanksgiving. The last 16 years my father has avoided spending Thanksgiving with our family, and usually avoids the holiday all together. This year I am thankful that my father and I spent a wonderful holiday together with our extended family. On a less serious note, I'm thankful for my dog, joshua trees, guiness, and cute boys who work at record stores.
  • a22lamia, I'm glad your dad is finally able to celebrate Thanksgiving. My grandmother died the week before Thanksgiving last year, and it was no fun.
  • It was lovely reading all of your comments. It makes me love you all the more. Even though it's the day after, I am thankful for my amazing children who feed my soul and a husband who never bores me. Plus, a whole bunch of other things.