November 25, 2004
Curious George:
What are you thankful for?
I'm thankful for my incredible son that was born 9 mos ago, and my wife who carried him into this world. I'm thankful for all of the people (students and faculty) that create an amazing educational and healing environment at my school. I'm thankful for having meals to eat everyday and a roof overhead. I'm thankful for living in a blue state. I'm thankful for Tracicle and MoFi
Iraqin any war zone do. Homunculus, you said it. Makes you think, doesn't it? The luck of the draw. I'm thankful for all the big things: family, health, friends, love, a home, and all the little things too: the nearly full moon and rain tonight; my 'tinky dog snoring under the desk; turkey and dressing I didn't have to cook, punkin pie, ditto; a cup of hot tea; later, the promise of a hot shower and the electric blanket warming the bed. We're fortunate people, we Monkeys. And taglines. Thank you, God, for all the taglines. Monkeyfilter: Beer. Among other things. Monkeyfilter: Blissfully, oblivously, stupidly happy Monkeyfilter: You Cnut. Monkeyfilter: I'm trying to fucking putt! Monkeyfilter: Pass the turducken.