November 25, 2004

Pentagon report says US losing the war for hearts and minds Well DUH, but it is gratifying seeing something sensible coming out of the Pentagon
  • Well, you know, them Musulmen were so happy before. Clitorodectomy, anyone? /big fat poo-like troll
  • Wolof! Back under your bridge! Or no kebabs!
  • I just don't understand why they're so ungrateful. Don't they know it's TG?
  • *sings badly* Do they know it's Christmas after all?
  • You look like Robbie Williams when you do that, Wolof.
  • However the war for entrails and appendages is going swimmingly.
  • These guys whould have made a report called "don't torture people".
  • Surely there are other, less painful ways to transgender. Even in Araby.
  • Yes, how superior we feel when we speak of clitoridectomy in the Muslim cultures. But then, US culture practices sexual mutilation of infant males (otherwise known by the sophisticated medical sobriquet as "circumcision"), who then go on and grow up to be soldiers in invading armies.
  • But, orococo, I know that circumcision is controversial these days, but to equate it to clidectomy seems pretty extreme. Foreskin versus the equvalent of a man's penis? How does that compare? And, the justification for non-religious circumcisions in the US over the last half century or so has been "cleanliness", whether justified or not, and certainly doesn't keep a man from enjoying sex. Excising a woman's clitoris, as far as I can tell, is to make sure that the woman enjoys sex much less, if at all.
  • Spelling of medical terms optional.
  • If asked, Muslims will say that clitoridectomy and removal of the labia are for "cleanliness" as well. Both cultures perspectives are mistaken, because cleanliness comes from cleaning, not amputation. And path, how would a man know if cicumcision lessens enjoyment of sex or not, unless he is of sexual age when he is circumcised?
  • Cliteridectomy is not Muslim. It is a cultural practice in certain parts of the world that, because coincidentally Islam is prevalent there, get attributed ignorantly to the religion. Please don't add to the already copious amounts of misinformation about one of the world's great religions.
  • Pentagon report says US losing the war for hearts and minds... ...but maintains war for limbs and viscera going "swimmingly".
  • great religions.
    An oxymoron where monotheism is concerned. Now Shinto, *there's* one of the great religions.