November 23, 2004

Diet not working? Maybe you need a dog. Man's best friend is also man's best diet buddy.

Don't have one on hand? Go here to adopt (or here if you're in New York). Also, how to tell if you're dog is overweight.

  • I can vouche for the dog system. I had one and we used to alternate who gets to choose the meals for the day. Every other day of Alpo did wonders for my waistline. And as for the sleep findings, that is tremendous. I suppose that if we take the logic to the extreme, it is obvious that a person in a coma would not gain weight. Dead people seldom gain weight, too. I may explore this further.
  • I wandered in here thinking this was an idea for a recipe.
  • Actually, just one miniature poodle contains over 12,000 calories. So go easy on the chocolate sauce.
  • But quidnunc, chocolate-covered dogs are the future of pharmaceuticals.
  • Monkeyfilter: the future of pharmeceuticals